Why not just put an alert on their passports and arrest them when they try and use them it seems a bit less complicated.
Why not just put an alert on their passports and arrest them when they try and use them it seems a bit less complicated.
If the government has to obey the Constitution, then the terrorists have won. 
I don't see anything unconstitutional about stripping away people's citizenship as long as there's due process.
Due process yeah right 
Then there is creep, now it's for terrorists soon for whatever the next grandstanding politician wants. Also if they do finish whatever sentence they get where do they go?
That's a good question. If we deport them, they're still a threat to our countries as they could have Intel. We can't keep them in our country if we're going to strip them of citizenship, plus they're also a threat if they're within our borders.
And executing them for terrorism could make them martyrs to fellow terrorists. Not to mention that someone could be falsely accused