I don't really have a plan. If things go to hell, I'm pretty sure I'll follow.
TBH, I am just getting started. I have about enough food set by to last for about six months, but that only includes my family. What if other family members show up?
As long as I have been an adult, I have hoarded guns and ammo (I own a ridiculously diverse arsenal and tens of thousands of rounds of ammo, but I do not have much to protect except for our lives.) I have three safes bolted to the foundation which keep an impressive supply of weaponry, being an American and all. I can certainly arm our neighborhood, not that it would be needed; everyone here has plenty of shit to shoot with.
But, honestly, what do I have to protect with all that advanced weaponry, except our own lives. SO, I can kill anything that moves for months, but after a few months, what do we eat?