It does no good to self righteously point my finger and call them evil men or anything, since the American presidency is a lie in the first place. Those guys are just highly paid actors, dude.
Kindov my point.
Humans need some kind of authority, otherwise we get social-darwinism, and that simply
is not fair, and I hate when people who think themselves secure come around and advocate social-darwinism, out of a misconception that they would be safe. I would fucking kill them myself, just to laugh in their face about it.
Humans need some kind of authority, but read my words: SOME KIND OF, authority. This can be your fucking grandpa! I mean, let's keep our minds open here!

The problem is with todays big system put into a pattern of normalcy. We are pawns in a huge industry, ruled by private tycoons, and we mere plebs contemplate the FINALITY of death, we see poor fucks getting decapitated on tv, we lay awake at night, and wonder what it would be like to watch our family get mowed down, wonder what it's like to have our own lights shut off by fucking Russians or Islamists or your own fellow Americans for that matter.
Imagine being put on your knees, and executed, by another American.
He hates you MORE than he hates the islamists, because to him - you're a traitor. And he has NO mercy for traitors.
To the politician, lives are nothing. Lives are a currency. To start a conflict here, spend 5000-12000 lives. To end a conflict there, spend 1250-1500 lives.
The Gaza bombing was a routine event, possibly also serving as a Middle-East diversion (to allow IS progression to "come as a shock". People, it's only a shock if none of you pay attention... ), this cost 2200 lives, counting Israeli ones as well.