Well I do not live in the UK and there for cannot comment on life there as far as the UK having a type of bill of rights...I will say that regardless of where one lives it seems the old sang proves true time and again 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' or collective power of an elite few I suppose could be added in that statement...
Each government has it's positive aspects and negative aspects...these days seems more negative then positive and fewer and fewer are 'fighting the good fight' as it were...
also political correctness bullying folks into a corner so they are scared to say what is on their minds is a bit much as well but that is another

The way I see it, I myself as a citizen of where I am at do what I can as far as writing my representatives, (I've actually gotten back thank you cards from two of the three I wrote which surprised me) I think encouraging folks with hand written letters actually helps as I've found from personal experience because you never know how they will remember that positive word from you as well as some constructive tasteful criticism (which I put in all three)
They are from different walks of life, different parties etc...but it takes guts to do what any of them do, hello aging in office before and after yikes!
On any side of the isle more then just talking needs to take place, action in a positive way a hey how are you doing and meaning it or the like...in this day and age that is so dark some light no matter how small helps we might never know how much but that is part of the beauty of it...