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The SJW shuffle
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on June 27, 2016, 08:05:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ceilidh on June 26, 2016, 01:01:27 PM ---SJW, I assume that stands for Social Justice Warrior, often used in negative terms. But isn't social justice a good thing? And wouldn't be a warrior for it be something of a virtue?
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Righting social wrongs and mistreatment is a good thing. But a warrior is somebody who faces death and fights back. It's a sarcastic term when used to describe somebody who blogs anonymously on Tumblr ( unless they're a targeted minority under an oppressive government ). The point is to call out the hypocrisy of people who demand others change their behavior from the safety of their computer screens while offering nothing but petulant outrage in return.
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Absolutely watch the first minute of this and then the 15:30 mark to maybe 18:42
The rest is great too but this kind of spells out the big problem with these social justice warriors
BTW I am not a fan of Dinesh. Much of what he says or does I do not agree with BUT he is right on point here.
I hate videos. I watch them with the sound off. Somehow I suspect watching this video with the sound off would not be very enlightening. Would you make the same points via text?
I think there are a lot of problems with social justice warriors. However I was engaging Ceilidh on that point, not you.
I agree with a lot of what you said in your answer to Ceilidh, but it was terminology soup. Highbrow name calling. I'd rather tease a nuanced message from the subject.
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on June 27, 2016, 09:39:27 PM ---I hate videos. I watch them with the sound off. Somehow I suspect watching this video with the sound off would not be very enlightening. Would you make the same points via text?
I think there are a lot of problems with social justice warriors. However I was engaging Ceilidh on that point, not you.
I agree with a lot of what you said in your answer to Ceilidh, but it was terminology soup. Highbrow name calling. I'd rather tease a nuanced message from the subject.
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I think it would be extremely enlightening which is why I mentioned it.
You may have been talking to Ceilidith, but I was talking to you. I was not aware this was a private message based for Ceildith alone. I thought it was an open discussion on the board.
I have no idea where I would get the 5 minutes of transcript from?
If you understood his points, surely you could summarize them. :zoinks:
Like this:
He said that the difference between historical civil rights movements and social justice today is that historically, people fought for equal rights under the law. Now, people are fighting for the correction of historic wrongs, which conflicts with a free society because you have to seize people's property.
And he challenges people who told him he held ill-gotten privilege to give up their own privileged opportunities (like going to Amherst College) before they asked anybody else to do so, or face their own hypocrisy.
Gopher Gary:
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on June 28, 2016, 06:53:51 PM ---If you understood his points, surely you could summarize them. :zoinks:
Like this:
He said that the difference between historical civil rights movements and social justice today is that historically, people fought for equal rights under the law. Now, people are fighting for the correction of historic wrongs, which conflicts with a free society because you have to seize people's property.
And he challenges people who told him he held ill-gotten privilege to give up their own privileged opportunities (like going to Amherst College) before they asked anybody else to do so, or face their own hypocrisy.
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You watched the video. :hahaha:
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