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The SJW shuffle

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--- Quote from: Gopher Gary on June 26, 2016, 06:19:28 PM ---OMG CEILIDH IS BACK!! :GA:

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For how long though......................  :dunno:


--- Quote from: Ceilidh on June 26, 2016, 11:03:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: Gopher Gary on June 26, 2016, 06:19:28 PM ---OMG CEILIDH IS BACK!! :GA:

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For how long though......................  :dunno:

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Long enough to celebrate your BD?



--- Quote from: Stromtrooper on August 27, 2014, 12:05:38 PM --- Lets say you're a far right-winger loser with an anarchy complex and you want your own personal slice of victimhood. How do you get it? Easy! you just do the Pappy shuffle, here's how it works:

1) Go to a website where you know your views aren't popular (or at least where there's enough members who will flame you for them).

2) Post a bunch of subtle trollish shit that you know will provoke a reaction from your target members.

3) Wait for the inevitable backlash against the stupid shit you just said.

4) Play the victim and claim you were attacked for no reason.

5) Use this as evidence of the administrations conspiracy against you or whatever imaginary demon you're fighting against.

6) Repeat steps 1 through 5 until you feel sufficiently oppressed and justified for being a vicious bitter loser.

7) Rage quit said site in a cloud of snot and tears, telling everyone who will listen that the site threatens your safety.

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The Pappy shuffle  :M

Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Ceilidh on June 26, 2016, 11:03:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: Gopher Gary on June 26, 2016, 06:19:28 PM ---OMG CEILIDH IS BACK!! :GA:

--- End quote ---

For how long though......................  :dunno:

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Do I get a prize if I guess the right answer?  :orly:


--- Quote from: Ceilidh on June 26, 2016, 01:01:27 PM ---SJW, I assume that stands for Social Justice Warrior, often used in negative terms. But isn't social justice a good thing? And wouldn't be a warrior for it be something of a virtue?

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Righting social wrongs and mistreatment is a good thing. But a warrior is somebody who faces death and fights back. It's a sarcastic term when used to describe somebody who blogs anonymously on Tumblr ( unless they're a targeted minority under an oppressive government ). The point is to call out the hypocrisy of people who demand others change their behavior from the safety of their computer screens while offering nothing but petulant outrage in return.


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