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The SJW shuffle

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SJW, I assume that stands for Social Justice Warrior, often used in negative terms. But isn't social justice a good thing? And wouldn't be a warrior for it be something of a virtue?

Welcome back.

* waits for the gopher to turn up and go all happy flappy saying: "OMG Ceilidh is back  :GA:" *

Edit, to change an 8 into an *

Welcome back.

Gopher Gary:

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Ceilidh on June 26, 2016, 01:01:27 PM ---SJW, I assume that stands for Social Justice Warrior, often used in negative terms. But isn't social justice a good thing? And wouldn't be a warrior for it be something of a virtue?

--- End quote ---

It sure isn't a good thing.

It is political correctness,  tone policing, and virtue signalling wrapped into cultural Marxism based on identity politics of every class except that which Marxism was based on.

They are not actually trying to fix anything or build anything. They are just desperate to be seen as have the "right" opinions on the right subjects and to be suitably offended over oppression narratives of their own making.
They are not interested in other perspectives or opinions and. no matter how compliant a SJW you are, you are one "wrong" decision away from being turned out and emailed against and ostracised from your "allies".
It is feeling based, impractical, exclusionary,overly sensitive,  anti-intellectual, dishonest and unconstructive


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