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The SJW shuffle

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What the  IS an/the SJW, guys...came  across the abbreviation when  that faggo going under t' pappy' started wrongfully slagging off and badmouthing someone I happen to really care about.
Sorry mykeru, must be from before my time

Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: Lestat on June 14, 2016, 04:39:02 AM ---' pappy' started wrongfully slagging off and badmouthing someone I happen to really care about.

--- End quote ---

(emo)  :bigcry:


Yuri Bezmenov:
As god of an explanation of SJW's as I've ever heard.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Stromtrooper on June 14, 2016, 01:07:58 PM ---As god of an explanation of SJW's as I've ever heard.

--- End quote ---

aids Scrillex

Yuri Bezmenov:
Yep, he's already a meme.


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