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The SJW shuffle
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Pappy on April 02, 2016, 01:35:59 PM ---Mykeru is back posting vids again.
(ok, I forgot how to imbed youtube vids)
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There is an Aussie you may like, bearing.
The SJW asshats getting entertainment censored thing is getting really old. Pushing an agenda is nothing new, but at least they could create their own art or entertainment to push the agenda, instead of crying and complaining to get things changed in something that was created by someone else. It is a spineless thing to cave in to these people's demands.
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Alex179 on April 06, 2016, 06:09:40 AM ---The SJW asshats getting entertainment censored thing is getting really old. Pushing an agenda is nothing new, but at least they could create their own art or entertainment to push the agenda, instead of crying and complaining to get things changed in something that was created by someone else. It is a spineless thing to cave in to these people's demands.
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I know it is a little thing but I dislike the co-opting. Going into a medium and saying okay we want you to do things THIS way. Your developed fictional characters in comics, games, movies and so forth, we want you to remake them in the image that conforms to our wants. Fuck that. They want THAT , no problem, but they ought to create their own and not infect their values on existing characters. Create a new character with those values and design them to be interesting and appealing and let them rise or fall on the basis of how good or bad they are.
--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on April 06, 2016, 07:39:49 AM ---
--- Quote from: Alex179 on April 06, 2016, 06:09:40 AM ---The SJW asshats getting entertainment censored thing is getting really old. Pushing an agenda is nothing new, but at least they could create their own art or entertainment to push the agenda, instead of crying and complaining to get things changed in something that was created by someone else. It is a spineless thing to cave in to these people's demands.
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I know it is a little thing but I dislike the co-opting. Going into a medium and saying okay we want you to do things THIS way. Your developed fictional characters in comics, games, movies and so forth, we want you to remake them in the image that conforms to our wants. Fuck that. They want THAT , no problem, but they ought to create their own and not infect their values on existing characters. Create a new character with those values and design them to be interesting and appealing and let them rise or fall on the basis of how good or bad they are.
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My daughter is very much a SJW and gets mad at me for complaining about this sort of thing. The other night a commercial for the Lion King came on and I suggested they should make a European version with wolves, bears, deer and wild boars staring an all white cast :zoinks: she said that was not how it was written and they should stick with the original and then didn't talk to me for a couple hours :green:
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Parts on April 06, 2016, 09:24:44 AM ---
--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on April 06, 2016, 07:39:49 AM ---
--- Quote from: Alex179 on April 06, 2016, 06:09:40 AM ---The SJW asshats getting entertainment censored thing is getting really old. Pushing an agenda is nothing new, but at least they could create their own art or entertainment to push the agenda, instead of crying and complaining to get things changed in something that was created by someone else. It is a spineless thing to cave in to these people's demands.
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I know it is a little thing but I dislike the co-opting. Going into a medium and saying okay we want you to do things THIS way. Your developed fictional characters in comics, games, movies and so forth, we want you to remake them in the image that conforms to our wants. Fuck that. They want THAT , no problem, but they ought to create their own and not infect their values on existing characters. Create a new character with those values and design them to be interesting and appealing and let them rise or fall on the basis of how good or bad they are.
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My daughter is very much a SJW and gets mad at me for complaining about this sort of thing. The other night a commercial for the Lion King came on and I suggested they should make a European version with wolves, bears, deer and wild boars staring an all white cast :zoinks: she said that was not how it was written and they should stick with the original and then didn't talk to me for a couple hours :green:
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That's hysterical.
So true though. It is a shell game with issues.
"You guys are sexist/racist/misogynist because you don't have enough X characters in Y medium."
"No we aren't, you can make whatever X characters you like in Y medium. If they are well designed. Have substance and are interesting they will gain popularity like the Non-x characters"
"Too hard, we will change your characters to become X characters regardless of background and history and development"
"Look, fuck right off and leave Y medium"
"See, I was right. You are sexist/racist/misogynist"
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