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The SJW shuffle
Yuri Bezmenov:
Here is a wonderful piece on the expliots of Dr. Richard Carrier.
A cheating assed husband who lives off of his wifes much higher income while having affairs behind her back.
When caught, he suddenly discoveres that he's "polyamorous". ::)
Yuri Bezmenov:
--- Quote from: odeon on August 31, 2014, 11:18:28 PM ---Rissy? Which one was that?
--- End quote ---;u=1243
For reference.
Pappybitchboyington be slurping that Zionist feminazi clit hard. He flosses his teef with their bushy muff hairs afterwards. :hahaha:
Yuri Bezmenov:
This is fairly long winded but a good listen nonetheless.
Well...I have said it before and it dose not get old...we all have choice, and can regardless of Dx's be rear hats or not...Victim mentality just irks me sometimes...
but then I remember I can walk away from my laptop shut the damn lid...
Really the seven months without the net did more good then I think I'll ever know...(though I foamed at the mouth and was a right female dog to the folks at Mercy sometimes, they as well as God knocked some metaphorical and litteral sense into me and I am glad of it)
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