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The SJW shuffle

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Yuri Bezmenov:
 Lets say you're a far left-winger loser with a martyr complex and you want your own personal slice of victimhood. How do you get it? Easy! you just do the SJW shuffle, here's how it works:

1) Go to a website where you know your views aren't popular (or at least where there's enough members who will flame you for them).

2) Post a bunch of subtle trollish shit that you know will provoke a reaction from your target members.

3) Wait for the inevitable backlash against the stupid shit you just said.

4) Play the victim and claim you were attacked for no reason.

5) Use this as evidence of teh PatriarchyTM or racism or whatever imaginary demon you're fighting against.

6) Repeat steps 1 through 5 until you feel sufficiently oppressed and justified for being a vicious bitter loser.

Yuri Bezmenov:
This is the tactic that awiddershinlife, Tlnglxzu and DanYellow used at ASDC and awiddershitlife is using now.

Do you feel your opinions aren't loved by her?  :zoinks:

Does that make you feel insecure, angry, angsty or misunderstood? :orly:

Yuri Bezmenov:

I would have to care about what others think of me, which I don't.


--- Quote from: Pappy Boyington on August 27, 2014, 12:05:38 PM --- Lets say you're a far left-winger loser with a martyr complex and you want your own personal slice of victimhood. How do you get it? Easy! you just do the SJW shuffle, here's how it works:

1) Go to a website where you know your views aren't popular (or at least where there's enough members who will flame you for them).

2) Post a bunch of subtle trollish shit that you know will provoke a reaction from your target members.

3) Wait for the inevitable backlash against the stupid shit you just said.

4) Play the victim and claim you were attacked for no reason.

5) Use this as evidence of teh PatriarchyTM or racism or whatever imaginary demon you're fighting against.

6) Repeat steps 1 through 5 until you feel sufficiently oppressed and justified for being a vicious bitter loser.

--- End quote ---
1-3 seem like business as usual around here.


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