Well I'd not fit in there that is for sure

I do believe the other term for molly codling is co-dependency just net form...
I do believe there are those that wish to stay 'stuck' and those that wish to become unstuck if that makes sense so it has it's legitimacy for a season if that makes sense...
There is such a thing as mess happening to us (it has happened to all of us regardless of NT or ASD) it is how we grow and move on gain tools and choosing to reach out for help in that sense I think it might have it's place...beyond that as I said there is a season in our lives when we need help, nor can I judge because I was there for a long while and still need help...
The difference has been in not being afraid to ask for help and not stopping when doors smack shut in my face this actually became a problem for me when some doors were meant to be closed and I couldn't get an outside outlook that was balanced until I got out of it and saw the shut door was shut for my good metaphorically speaking
I don't pass judgment at all, I was there and then some...I chose not to stay there however and grow, while others can't or won't...can't bring change until that person wants it for themselves, that's a fact jack...
Just how this Hannah sees it...