club for women to show off pics of their hairy legs
I personally can't stand hairy legs. On me i mean. Men look fine.

These images are gross IMO
Do men care if women have hairy legs?

I have an obsession with 'having to have smooth legs' and i have done since i was a teen. I have asked myself if i do it to please men and the answer is probably but mainly it is for myself. I don't like to touch myself and find leg stubble. It feels icky.
Interestingly, i was told the other day that i was being 'anti feminist' if i shave my legs!

This made me think a whole lot more about it. Do i want to be 'anti feminist'? Well, erm no i don't want to be 'anti anything' really but if it means walking round with hairy legs then yes, Ok, i will have to bear the cross and be anti feminist.