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How did that quoting accident happen in the first place? :-\
--- Quote from: odeon on August 28, 2014, 01:02:21 AM ---How did that quoting accident happen in the first place? :-\
--- End quote ---
My guess is awiddershinlife posted part of the sig of CBC as a quote of CBC. Where CBC has quoted Jack, Trigger11 and PPK in her signature.
It would be a fun game to attribute quotes to CBC that she didn't say. :P
--- Quote from: couldbecousin on August 28, 2014, 04:59:59 AM ---It would be a fun game to attribute quotes to CBC that she didn't say. :P
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Yuri Bezmenov:
--- Quote from: couldbecousin on May 14, 2014, 12:09:48 AM ---I hate weebles! they are the dumbest toy evarr!!
--- End quote ---
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