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--- Quote from: odeon on August 16, 2014, 03:19:29 AM ---Lots of Google bots.

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Perhaps one of them will become sentient.

The entire organ farming in clones idea really made me think of the Dune scifi series, and the Tleilaxu race, with their 'ghola' cloned replacement bodies, grown in 'axolotl tanks' which end up being found out as the degenerate females of the race,  being used as breeding machines for cloned bodies.


--- Quote from: Lestat on August 16, 2014, 01:14:20 PM ---The entire organ farming in clones idea really made me think of the Dune scifi series, and the Tleilaxu race, with their 'ghola' cloned replacement bodies, grown in 'axolotl tanks' which end up being found out as the degenerate females of the race,  being used as breeding machines for cloned bodies.

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Some version of that is probably taking place...

On a related note...did you hear about the Australian couple who abandoned their downs son to a Thai surrogate?-- but they took his healthy twin sister. Apparently they were going to terminate the pregnancy when they found out he had downs, but the Thai lady wouldn't because it was against her religious beliefs. She offered to keep the boy and the couple came and took the girl, but then they wanted the boy when they saw him- but the Thai lady didn't believe them and was convinced they were going to institutionalise the boy. She wouldn't let them take him, and almost kept the girl as well---she didn't trust them to keep them safe. Well, the couple went back to australia with the girl and didn't contact the lady for 6 months. Then the medical costs were too much so I guess the lady went to the news to appeal for help for the boy because the aussie parents didn't want him and she could barely afford to support her family even before the surrogacy.

Anyways both side appear to be changing stories- in one report the aussie parents said they had no knowledge of the boy. then they went on to say they would have had the pregnancy terminated and only kept the deal because the surrogate offered to keep the boy.

then they said they never gave up on the boy. but that was only after they saw him. and after they left thailand they didn't contact the mom for 6 months, and only contacted a rep once.

the thai mother change her story from saying they saw the boy and abandoned him, to that she wanted to keep him because she believed they would institutionalise him. she also says they asked her to have an abortion which she wouldn't do for religious reasons.  :dunno:

I'm honestly more inclined to believe the Thai lady because the aussie parents DID abandon the boy when they would have had the pregnancy terminated, and then again when they agreed to let her keep the boy (that gave them "hope" apparently). Give that behaviour, I think it is reasonable to try and protect the kid by keeping him away from them.


--- Quote from: couldbecousin on May 07, 2014, 09:30:56 PM ---It's easy to be a total dick because humans are total dicks.  What's stopping me isn't who I am, it's who I want to be.
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So, do you always run with the crowd? Stake out your your own territory - be yourself, not a clone


--- Quote from: awiddershinlife on August 26, 2014, 06:54:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: couldbecousin on May 07, 2014, 09:30:56 PM ---It's easy to be a total dick because humans are total dicks.  What's stopping me isn't who I am, it's who I want to be.
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So, do you always run with the crowd? Stake out your your own territory - be yourself, not a clone

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That quote is mine, not cousins. Am whomever I have to be.


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