Enemy lists? Sounding kind of um...

Next, Genesis will be covering up break-ins and erasing tapes.
Since when do Canadians know Richard Nixon?
Everyone knows Nixon. Only fat fat burger eating Americans are ignorant of the world and it's history outside murka's borders.
He's the first President of the USA I can remember. So, to me he was THE president of the USA. He had been that since I was three. Ford never felt real to me as a kid, because he did not look like Nixon.

Gerald Ford was never elected. He replaced Spiro Agnew.
Doesn't take away the fact that the mental image that pops up in my head, when I hear President of the USA, is the face of Nixon. No one replaced that image, elected or not. The other way around is not true. When I hear the names of the presidents after Nixon, I will know immediately that they have been or are presidents of the USA.