
Author Topic: Global Warming  (Read 14820 times)

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #165 on: June 17, 2007, 02:26:03 AM »
Al Gore reminds me of this woman I know from uni, she praises me for not having a car, not contributing to extra greenhouse gases, however she drives one.

I bet you a lot of these global warming alarmists are lefties disgusted at the ungrateful working class bought McMansions and speedboats; immigrants embraced the values of mainstream Australia with depressing enthusiasm; refugees got out of detention and got jobs; and large parts of the Third World are undergoing economic leaps unimagined a decade ago. If global warming didn't exist, it would have been necessary to invent it

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #166 on: June 17, 2007, 03:40:29 AM »
he's not perfect. what he's saying is change something you can change even when you're a lazy mofo. like he is. ONE change. he chose not his pool.

i leave everything on standby. my tv, my laptop is always on. i only turn it off when it freezes. and then i turn it on again.

i'm a lazy mofo.

but i don't drive a car or ever go anywhere or do anything. i dunno if that helps but i like to think it does. :P
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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #167 on: June 17, 2007, 04:30:26 AM »
what Al Gore is telling people is that a small change helps if everyone does it. just change something. turn off the lights for the night.

Which is pure BS, if things are as bad as depicted.
The situation is past the tipping point. 'Course,
we are due for an ice age....

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #168 on: June 17, 2007, 05:05:34 AM »
watch the film before you comment.  the brilliant thing about it is how positive it is - i've been talking about global warming etc. for over 30 years, and dreading seeing the damn thing, cos i' don't need any more depressionin my life, but i felt really uplifted by the end of it.  didn't learn much i didn't already know, but the message that we can effect change is strong. 

and for all you "can't be fucked to do anything about it cos it's inconvenient for me" merchants, most of the talk about the tipping point comes from people just the same as you.  it's everyone's responsibility.  do you really want to be part of the same group as the fat cats who'll be fine, whatever happens, cos they can buy their way out of it?  it's the little people who'll suffer worst of all, as per usual, but everyone will suffer, in some way.  of course, a lot of people couldn't give a toss about bangladesh being flooded to fuck, but it was only Katrina that got half the western fucking governments to start taking notice, cos global warming might just affect them and their economies.  (and yes, odeon - there is evidence that katrina was part of the whole shebang).

take some responsiility for yourselves and your actions, for fuck's sake.

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #169 on: June 17, 2007, 05:10:55 AM »
I remember a paper which claimed that
it would require something like a 70%
reduction in fossile fuel usage to turn the

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #170 on: June 17, 2007, 05:31:03 AM »
change the record, will you?  yep, there are plenty of papers and sponsored research saying just that.  thre are even some by real scientists.  you might care to find out who sponsors those papers, and to what extent they're doctored - up to governmental level - to keep the profits rolling in.

shame - i didn't have you down as someone who was sucked in by economic propganda.  obviously, i was wrong, and you're quite prepared to believe anything you're told.

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #171 on: June 17, 2007, 05:32:56 AM »
Not at all. I don't waste energy much at all.
But, I suspect that it's hopeless. I rather
respect the person who presented
the paper.

Offline SovaNu

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #172 on: June 17, 2007, 02:28:43 PM »
i can't buy my way out of global warming. but i can't be assed to do anything useful. recycling isn't an option in ireland other than glass bottles or something. we had bio trash in finland but not here.

i can't even hang my clothes up to dry. they got all dank and weird smelling. i don't care. i don't FUCKING CARE.
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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #173 on: June 17, 2007, 03:15:52 PM »
It's interesting how some people focus on Al Gore setting a bad example rather than doing their part. What kind of argument is that? "If Al Gore doesn't do his part properly, I won't have to either."

Also, Calandale, you really should watch that film.
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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #174 on: June 17, 2007, 07:51:07 PM »
It's interesting how some people focus on Al Gore setting a bad example rather than doing their part. What kind of argument is that? "If Al Gore doesn't do his part properly, I won't have to either."

Also, Calandale, you really should watch that film.

Not saying I don't want to help because he doesn't.

I just think that it is very interesting that he is such a huge hypocrite.

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #175 on: June 17, 2007, 08:09:23 PM »
It's interesting how some people focus on Al Gore setting a bad example rather than doing their part. What kind of argument is that? "If Al Gore doesn't do his part properly, I won't have to either."

I totally agree. Anyway, before global warming was such a political issue it was part of the dialectic to not be wasteful, common sense. It's easy to negate global warming if that's what's convenient, but that doesn't matter in the case for environmentalism, because we're going to run out of fossil fuels before we're fully prepared anyway. Rush Limbaugh says that there's no reason to give a shit about the environment because science will always be able to fix whatever damage we do. But what about our economy and lifestyle when the hammer falls?
!!Super atomic enema!!

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #176 on: June 17, 2007, 08:43:08 PM »

I just think that it is very interesting that he is such a huge hypocrite.

What do you expect? He's a politician.

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #177 on: June 17, 2007, 10:53:43 PM »
It's interesting how some people focus on Al Gore setting a bad example rather than doing their part. What kind of argument is that? "If Al Gore doesn't do his part properly, I won't have to either."

I totally agree. Anyway, before global warming was such a political issue it was part of the dialectic to not be wasteful, common sense. It's easy to negate global warming if that's what's convenient, but that doesn't matter in the case for environmentalism, because we're going to run out of fossil fuels before we're fully prepared anyway. Rush Limbaugh says that there's no reason to give a shit about the environment because science will always be able to fix whatever damage we do. But what about our economy and lifestyle when the hammer falls?

 :clap: :plus:

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #178 on: June 18, 2007, 01:24:50 AM »
It's interesting how some people focus on Al Gore setting a bad example rather than doing their part. What kind of argument is that? "If Al Gore doesn't do his part properly, I won't have to either."

Also, Calandale, you really should watch that film.

Not saying I don't want to help because he doesn't.

I just think that it is very interesting that he is such a huge hypocrite.

I didn't mean you, Callaway, I meant the people that start websites to badmouth Gore while doing nothing themselves.
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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #179 on: June 18, 2007, 01:48:13 AM »
I really wish a lot of intelligent people would look up information of the science related to Global Warming themselves, rather than paying attention to people like Al Gore who dumb it down for the masses.  I believe the problem is a pretty big one, but it is easier to be dissuaded if you follow someone who makes it their personal vendetta to use a certain measure of public policy, only to find arguments that contradict their advocacy.