
Author Topic: "You hit like a girl" - So loved showing this to my daughter and son.  (Read 1161 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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....Fuck the stereotypes that society would have them believe

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Jack

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  • You don't know Jack.
Females generally don't have the upper body strength of men and should be taught to fight with their legs; though nothing wrong with knowing how to throw a proper punch.

Offline Icequeen

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  • I peopled today.
Lucia Rijker is around my age (about 10 months younger, born in the same year) which is even more surprising.

I need to start working out more. 8)

Offline Phallacy

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Exceptions can be a wonderful thing.

Offline 'andersom'

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  • well known as hyke.
All Dutch women are as beautiful as Doutzen, and as strong as Lucia.  :zoinks: :hyke:
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Queen Victoria

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Back in the 1970's and 1980's doubloons were Very Very Very Very Very big throws at Mardi Gras parades.  There would be quite a scramble and more for them.  Some people learned to put their foot on them when they hit the ground so they could claim them.

Being short I never got too many doubloons.  I remember once going for a doubloon, deflecting it and the man next to me put his foot on it when it hit the ground.  I went down to get MY doubloon, but couldn't budge him.  Cue the light bulb.  Don't try to move the foot he's standing on.  That's where all the weight is.  Just put pressure the knee on the other leg.  It will throw him off balance and you get your doubloon.

Don't expect an explanation of the doubloon frenzy and culture.  It's dead and gone and my collection is virtually worthless.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Jack

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  • You don't know Jack.
Just put pressure the knee... 
Was taught to go for the knees too. Make them hinge in the wrong direction. :laugh:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Just put pressure the knee... 
Was taught to go for the knees too. Make them hinge in the wrong direction. :laugh:

Posted a while ago

Oh hell I am glad MLA picked up on this kick him in the balls thing, or I would have.
Best case scenario, all works and you have your prey cough up his own testicles, and sink down into a pained whimpering heap, screaming silently.
Chances are actually rather better that you will connect awkwardly and instinct with have them bring their legs together and have you with a trapped leg and off balance and with arm's reach, missing completely and landing on your arse, or kicking their leg and upsetting them.
Bad call all around.
There are some things that are rather painful that do not involve exposing yourself to unbalancing yourself.
Finger up their nostril hard (or keys up the nostril).
Thumbnail in the eyesocket
Palms simultaneous clapped against their ears forcing air down their ear canal.
Stamping a heel against the base of their toes
A Blow to their Adam's apple
A Fish hook to the mouth.
Running the inside of your shoe down their shin.
Grab their balls in your hands, squeeze, twist and pull down hard in one hard movement

Now before you say "Fuck Les, you are a dirty fighter." I personally have done none of these things BUT if I was to give a preferred method to ladies of dealing with an attacker, than to "kick them in the balls" this would be my advice.

Advice for blokes would be a little different. Would go something like this.

Fucking dominate them. You do not have to physically hurt someone that much usually to cow them. To make them "fear" what they have got into and worry about what could happen. Have them believe that they are so far past the point of getting the upperhand that they are panicked and unable to put up a defence and are looking for an "out".

Go in hard.

Be mentally prepared for a flogging. If you REALLY want this fight and feel strongly enough to defend whatever reason you were fighting then you should be prepared to lose and cop a hiding, and once you have this set in your mind then go for the upside.

Don't back down unless you absolutely have to.

Protect your face, a smack to the cheek will hurt but won't fuck your chances as much as a belt to the nose. Your eyes willi water with this and for a five seconds you will be fucked and at their disposal.

Keep your guard up and elbows locked.

Keep your balance and do not charge in head down

Keep kicks to a minimum.

Don't allow them to hit you before you hit back. May be very gracious but when they are doing a bit of folk-dancing on your rib cage you won't thank them and they won't appreciate your goodwill.

Don't wait for the "perfect opportunity " or the "knock out punch". Go in quick flurries and hope that it will open up opportunities.

Don't be fancy

Don't wear yourself out faster than them.

Don't let them dictate how the fight is going or they will be the ones who will be dominating you in the end.

Only follow up as much as you need to, to win. If they are unconscious, stop. If they are calling it quits, stop. If they are no longer able to defend themselves stop (and back away from them enough to prevent them having been just playing possum). If they are bleeding? Who gives a fuck?

If you have really fucked them up and you are worried they are seriously hurt? Depends on the situation. Generally I would say "fuck it". (I have had a situation where I have had to get a towel and compress the arsehole's noggin from bleeding everywhere after his head split hitting the ground, but it would again depend on the situation. Generally I would say not to bother.)
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Jack

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  • You don't know Jack.
Yes, self-defense tactics for females are usually very different than male, much more dirty and more about disabling for the getaway than the honor of the fight. Father was highly trained but never taught discipline or honor, only how to effectively harm. Was also taught some weird psychological stuff too, puke, pretend seizure, whatever, to elicit that off guard wtf moment, then sucker shot.

Offline Queen Victoria

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I'm one of those dumb people who probably wouldn't stop beating the bastard up until he was a pulpy dead smear on the ground.  Hit with anything I can find, bite, scream, kick the ball, etc.  I guess I've seen too many horror movies where the baddie gets up after being vanquished and attacks the hero/ine again.

I know if I had to shoot someone in self defense I'd have minimal regrets.  (Posted this way because someone is sure to say, "You don't know if you'd have regrets."
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Jack

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  • You don't know Jack.
That doesn't seem dumb.

Offline Queen Victoria

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That doesn't seem dumb.

The conventional (and legal) wisdom says to resist until you can get away.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Lestat

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Fighting clean is asking to get the shite knocked out of you, if its not a competitive martial arts type fight, where both participants agree to spar.

Good techniques that require relatively little strength:

Open palm strike to the solar plexus. Or pivot on the back foot and ram one's elbow into the same. Elbows and knees can deliver a lot of force, and regardless of the size and strength of the attacker, there is no overriding the effects of a blow to pressure points.

Other convenient sites include the brachial plexus on the back of the neck/shoulder,
Common peroneal nerve, running on the outside of the lower leg. Strike with a kick or object.

The golgi tendon (elbow), if struck hard with a back-fisted strike, knuckles etc. will force a relaxation of the joint, allowing the joint to be wrenched apart and broken with minimal force.

Typical starting technique for your average meathead thug is often a hook punch, respond by either moving in close, blocking the blow with a forearm (better, blocking with a fist driven into the biceps, or blow to solar plexus, knee into groin, pull down kecks, grab their nadgers in hand, twist and pull hard.

Another good one is to step past, ducking under a blow, allowing the opponent to over-reach their center of balance, before delivering a short, vicious stamping kick to the side of the knee, it will break fairly easily if hit from the side.

Stamp on the ankle from the side, or from the back, aiming for the achilles tendon.

For those strong enough, try crouching, grabbing legs in a bearhug, standing up quickly, then pulling apart legs, go down on one knee, bring target's groin down onto waiting knee, or twist target sideways and bring down stomach on knee hard.

Can do the same with the opponent's back. Although this risks breaking their spine and paralysing the opponent permanently if done hard enough.

A sideways-on elbow strike to the bridge of the nose will almost certainly break same.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Jack

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  • You don't know Jack.
That doesn't seem dumb.

The conventional (and legal) wisdom says to resist until you can get away.
That sounds about right, though all the easier to get away from a smear. :laugh:

Offline Lestat

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Resist until you can get away?

I think if faced with somebody who, with no fault of your own, is set to do you violence, then the best course of action is to strike hard, fast and mercilessly. Incapacitate the aggressor and make damn sure they will be in no fit state to get back up and follow you while making an exit from the scene.

Its bugger all use just decking some punk and letting them stand up again to chase after you to give out a thrashing. Far better to snap their knees, break their ankles, sever a tendon etc. to render it physiologically impossible to stand up, let alone leg it after you baying for blood, doubtless made angrier still by getting a bit of a kicking in the first place.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.