This is sort of almost like a little bit of drama except it's not.
Almost. You know that guy who fucks up a good joke or who tries to make a statement, but instead of nailing it, stuffs up the pre-cursor? Yup, that is StupidOldMan. The irony is that the username is not something he will be able to shake. I have in the past purposely gone into a forum with a shitty username and risen above the station of the username ascribed to me by consistently proving worth or credibility or worth (or hopefully a mixture of all of these). He can't and won't. He remains a non-entity. But whenever I consider my age, and exceedingly my comparative "obsoleteness" (I know it is not a real word but it personifies a specific idea), I have only to reflect of the pitiful state of someone like this guy and I know I will never allow myself to degenerate to this level.