
Author Topic: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias  (Read 1456 times)

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Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« on: February 17, 2014, 03:11:57 PM »
Guilty or not, nobody would give a fuck about this individual were she not a white American woman. Had it been a black man from a country in Africa accused of the crime and then found innocent and then found guilty again it would have been a complete non-story.

I am also confused why so many Americans refuse to accept that Italy has a functioning legal system and the possibility that Knox is indeed a murderess.

My opinion, she is guilty as sin and had the audacity to blame an innocent man for the act. It disgusts me that she chose a black man she was associated with to scapegoat for the crime. She knew that a pretty white girl blaming a 'nigger' (apologies, but that is what that mentality thinks) would have a good chance of getting away with.

The evidence is compelling and that is what most supporters of Knox are deliberately ignoring.

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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 03:27:04 PM »
And furthermore, the real victim, Meredith Kercher has been forgotten. We are just left with another example of a failed superpower treating any of its citizens who happen to have the right colour skin as somehow better than other human beings.

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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 04:12:37 PM »
I don't really know if she is guilty of murder.  She is guilty of false allegations and causing drama.

Meredith Kercher has been forgotten.  They were supposed to be friends.  Yet Knox was doing handstands and yoga poses at the police station.  Not a normal display of grief.

I feel sorry for the guy who was accused.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 07:41:34 PM »
Guilty or not, nobody would give a fuck about this individual were she not a white American woman. Had it been a black man from a country in Africa accused of the crime and then found innocent and then found guilty again it would have been a complete non-story.

I am also confused why so many Americans refuse to accept that Italy has a functioning legal system and the possibility that Knox is indeed a murderess.

My opinion, she is guilty as sin and had the audacity to blame an innocent man for the act. It disgusts me that she chose a black man she was associated with to scapegoat for the crime. She knew that a pretty white girl blaming a 'nigger' (apologies, but that is what that mentality thinks) would have a good chance of getting away with.

The evidence is compelling and that is what most supporters of Knox are deliberately ignoring.


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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 08:37:24 PM »
 The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. prohibits double jeopardy so that could explain why she has as much support in the US as she does whether she is guilty or not,  yes she was in Italy and it's their legal system but Americans see trying her again as cheating.

I am also confused why so many Americans refuse to accept that Italy has a functioning legal system

ROME — Seven prominent Italian earthquake experts were convicted of manslaughter on Monday and sentenced to six years in prison for failing to give adequate warning to the residents of a seismically active area in the months preceding an earthquake that killed more than 300 people.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 12:14:50 AM »
I don't know if she is guilty or not, but I disagree about the Italians having a functioning legal system. El Pres, you might want to have a closer look at how they do things. Their infamous inefficiency, their overcrowded prisons filled with people awaiting trial, their politicised judges, ...

Amanda Knox, I believe, was first sued for damages in a civil case before her case actually went to trial. Her chance at a fair hearing by a criminal court, then, was close to nil. You might want to read up on how that happened, too.

And mind, I don't know if she is guilty or not. I really don't. I just think that, for her sake and for the victim's, there should have been a legal procedure worth the name because now it's too late.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 06:55:05 PM »
Guilty or not, nobody would give a fuck about this individual were she not a white American woman. Had it been a black man from a country in Africa accused of the crime and then found innocent and then found guilty again it would have been a complete non-story.

Link to a black man from a country in Africa accused of this crime. He isn't as famous as Amanda Knox, so I don't know whether this proves or disproves your theory.

I am also confused why so many Americans refuse to accept that Italy has a functioning legal system and the possibility that Knox is indeed a murderess.

My opinion, she is guilty as sin and had the audacity to blame an innocent man for the act. It disgusts me that she chose a black man she was associated with to scapegoat for the crime. She knew that a pretty white girl blaming a 'nigger' (apologies, but that is what that mentality thinks) would have a good chance of getting away with.

The evidence is compelling and that is what most supporters of Knox are deliberately ignoring.

It is up to a jury of her peers to judge her guilt or innocence. To me, the American public distrusts this case because of the amount of evidence of Amanda Knox's innocence, the idea of the prosecution appealing an acquittal and the accused misbehavior of some of the Italian officials in the case. I have read online (although I can't verify) that Italy's criminal system is based on fascist law.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2014, 11:51:43 PM »
The notion of appeal to an acquittal is in no way unique to Italy and is, IMHO, not necessarily a problem in itself even though some Americans may disagree. You shouldn't expect US criminal law when not in the US.

The problem here, again IMHO, is that the Italian criminal justice system didn't work, not because it can't or that it's fundamentally flawed, but because in this as in many other cases it isn't followed very well.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2014, 12:42:57 PM »
From the media coverage I've seen of knox's trial, one of the pigs involved in the investigation in italy is already known to have been a nasty piece of work, a shady character at best, possibly outright corrupt as shit.

And as far as atypical emotional responses to situations go, who are any of us to cast that stone?
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2014, 11:17:37 PM »
She didn't get a fair trial, which doesn't help the victim's family.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2014, 11:49:39 PM »
I still think the negative aspects of the trial have been overstated because of who she is. If she'd been a fat black middle aged man the media would have reported nothing.

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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2014, 12:19:52 AM »
Oh yes, I agree, but I also think that the problems with the trial are just as obvious.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2014, 12:21:51 AM »
OTOH, a middle-aged black American citizen might have gotten some attention anyway. The US of A tends to react when their citizens are convicted abroad.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2014, 02:39:41 AM »
I reckon she is guilty as sin and I reckon that if you do a crime overseas, then you should be charged and if found guilty, convicted on THAT country's laws then the tourist's country's laws are not even worth entertaining. If you get caught spraying the side of a wall in US, you will likely get a community work order and or a fine or whatever. In Singapore you get caned and probably a bit of jail time as well. Whilst they are winding back on prosecuting on use of marihuana, in Thailand you will see the inside of a prison for many years and not a nice prison at that, In US, ladies need not cover up. In Saudi Arabia you better or risk getting beat and/or stoned.
Now some may say that the laws are no good, but I say, if tourists do not like the laws they ought not visit.
Amanda Knox got the result to her crime in Italy and I have not understood the fuss really. I do not see why anyone else is invested in it.
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Re: Amanda Knox, a sickening example of media and cultural bias
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2014, 05:01:17 AM »
I reckon she is guilty as sin and I reckon that if you do a crime overseas, then you should be charged and if found guilty, convicted on THAT country's laws then the tourist's country's laws are not even worth entertaining. If you get caught spraying the side of a wall in US, you will likely get a community work order and or a fine or whatever. In Singapore you get caned and probably a bit of jail time as well. Whilst they are winding back on prosecuting on use of marihuana, in Thailand you will see the inside of a prison for many years and not a nice prison at that, In US, ladies need not cover up. In Saudi Arabia you better or risk getting beat and/or stoned.
Now some may say that the laws are no good, but I say, if tourists do not like the laws they ought not visit.
Amanda Knox got the result to her crime in Italy and I have not understood the fuss really. I do not see why anyone else is invested in it.

Well said. Never even heard of her until this thread.