So, what does MMM stand for.
Here it is "Mensen met mogelijkheden" apparently the new terminology for disabled and other people with issues.
Google translate says, people with opportunities. Is that correct?
It can indeed be read that way, or as "people with capabilities" or "people with possibilities" "people with chances to make it".
First we had handicapped people, then we had disabled people, or less valid people (valid not in the economic way, but still). Then slowly PC terminology changed that to "mensen met een grotere afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt" (People with a bigger distance to the workforce/getting work). Now that apparently will not do anymore, and the terminology has become "Mensen met mogelijkheden".
If I get it right now that term includes everyone from the ones who have been unemployed for more than a few months to a fully paraplegic.
And with making this more and more PC, it also lays the blame on the "people with possibilities" because they have every chance to make it in this world.
This renaming goes hand in hand with cutting back on care, of course.