Author Topic: Ban backyard pools  (Read 2012 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2014, 03:12:08 PM »
Child deaths in pools are largely (but not 100% of the time) caused by these things.

1. Dumb fucks not having child safe pool fences
2. Dumb fucks not supervising their kids properly
3. Dumb fucks in a country with lots of access to swimming facilities not teaching their kids to swim and about water safety

But for some reason it isn't ok to point out to people that they are dumb cunts. However it is okay to legislate to prevent their dumb cuntery.

I've said this many times before but the world would be a much better place if people had their idiocy pointed out to them.

Dumb fucks

Yep. If we're going to ban one thing, might as well ban everything else. The problem is never the object.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2014, 03:16:51 PM »
Whenever I flew over Spain, going in for landing, I could always see a myriad of small, blue backyard pools growing into vision. THOUSANDS
I'd guess 70-80% of all suburban homes in Spain has that pool.

Not once did I see a kid floating dead in them. Not once!

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2014, 03:31:57 PM »
Whenever I flew over Spain, going in for landing, I could always see a myriad of small, blue backyard pools growing into vision. THOUSANDS
I'd guess 70-80% of all suburban homes in Spain has that pool.

Not once did I see a kid floating dead in them. Not once!

How dare you present this argument? You made that up or something. I want to make the world safer, so shut the hell up and let me ban things.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2014, 03:52:52 PM »
Whenever I flew over Spain, going in for landing, I could always see a myriad of small, blue backyard pools growing into vision. THOUSANDS
I'd guess 70-80% of all suburban homes in Spain has that pool.

Not once did I see a kid floating dead in them. Not once!

How dare you present this argument? You made that up or something. I want to make the world safer, so shut the hell up and let me ban things.

Did you see Penn and Teller's episode about people being dangerous? Their point was obviously the opposite, that when you remove the tiny percentage of any population thats a murderer, violent, etc, you end up with a HUGE majority of decent people.
They showed an example of a mother who sent her 10 year old kid on the NY-metro, to school.

I thought about that, and as counter-intuitive as it seems - who in their right mind will mug or attack a 10 year old!? I mean - anything can happen, to anybody, statistically, but odds wise, you're probably MORE likely being mugged if you are an adult working man, than if you are a little kid with a backpack.
Imagine the loss of street cred, you show up to your homies, with a red and yellow backpack that you stole from a crying child :D

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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2014, 04:24:46 PM »
Child deaths in pools are largely (but not 100% of the time) caused by these things.

1. Dumb fucks not having child safe pool fences
2. Dumb fucks not supervising their kids properly
3. Dumb fucks in a country with lots of access to swimming facilities not teaching their kids to swim and about water safety

But for some reason it isn't ok to point out to people that they are dumb cunts. However it is okay to legislate to prevent their dumb cuntery.

I've said this many times before but the world would be a much better place if people had their idiocy pointed out to them.

I pretty much agree with 1 & 2, but have some reservations about 3. 

There isn't "lots" of access to swimming facilities.  Surprisingly in the New Orleans in the middle class neighborhoods swimming pools are few and far between.  In the poorer neighborhoods they are pretty non-existent.  You can't teach your child to swim if you don't know how to swim yourself.  Classes cost $, even at the Y.  It isn't really possible to teach every child to swim (access to pools, time available to parents, money).  Some like the PR are natural swimmers (how she can swim using one arm and leg is a marvel to watch); no one taught her.

I'm not sure how true this is, but  I've been told the US Navy prefers you not to know how to swim before you enlist.  They'd rather teach you properly.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2014, 04:28:24 PM »
As an aside, from a biography of W. C. Fields -

W. C. Fields notoriously hated children.  He had a pool in the backyard of his Hollywood home.  Anthony Quinn was his next door neighbor.  Quinn's 2 year old son wandered into Fields' back yard and drowned in the pool.  The next day Fields had the pool filled in.  Reportedly he would spend hours drinking and looking at the place where the pool was.  Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2014, 04:49:52 PM »
You need to read the article for full effect. It reads like a parody of gun-control advocates criticizing gun availability.

I wonder how many deaths cigarettes cause per year in Australia. :GA:

This article is actually thanks to me. Several years ago I posted a gun-control parody about swimming pools on a Swedish board. Some months later there was an article in a Swedish newspaper - obviously missing the irony in my post - about how dangerous swimming pools were. Now it seems that it has reached all the way to Australia, where people thankfully understood the irony and the absurdity of gun-control.

By the way: more people are actually drowned in swimming pools than killed by guns - even in America. Yet I have never heard any serious suggestion about banning or even restricting swimming pools.

The cigarette argument is also good: in Sweden less than 80 people a year are killed by guns, while more than 8000 are killed by smoking. Yet it is tobacco that only has an age limit of 18 years and guns that are controlled draconically.

Well hello Lit, good to see you surfacing again.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2014, 04:56:31 PM »
Child deaths in pools are largely (but not 100% of the time) caused by these things.

1. Dumb fucks not having child safe pool fences
2. Dumb fucks not supervising their kids properly
3. Dumb fucks in a country with lots of access to swimming facilities not teaching their kids to swim and about water safety

But for some reason it isn't ok to point out to people that they are dumb cunts. However it is okay to legislate to prevent their dumb cuntery.

I've said this many times before but the world would be a much better place if people had their idiocy pointed out to them.

When I was a kid, most kids would be sent to swimming lessons at a young age. And, schools had swimming in their curriculum too. Regular swimming lessons for the ones unable to swim, and lessons like rescue swimming for the 95% of kids who could swim.
With more immigrants, from more dry countries, the percentage of parents sending their kids to swimming lessons plummeted. But, since councils made it possible for primary schools to give swimming lessons, most kids were able to keep themselves floating.
8 years ago the council where I live economised swimming lessons away. Part of parental responsibility. May be true. But it sucks if you are a kid happening to have parents who either cannot afford it, or do not realise it is important to be able to swim in a country with lots of water.

So, stupid parents, and stupid politics.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2014, 05:50:37 PM »
There is somewhat limited access to places to learn to swim properly were I live also, there are public pools but the hours are limited and the beach is not always very pleasant, I did not learn till I moved to Florida when I was 11. I had my kids take lessons
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2014, 06:22:14 PM »
I wonder how many drowning deaths were actually kids of the people that owned the pool?

We had a pool for approx. less than 2 seasons. One of those take down every year, cheap ass blow up the ring and fill things...they probably look like a giant blue condom filled with water from an airplane. :P

My kid (who was around 4 at the time) was never unsupervised, the pool was in a fenced in yard, and he was taught the basics.

I spent 95% of my summer months chasing the neighborhood kids, their dogs, and their friends out of it. If I actually had a life, and left the house like normal people do, they probably would have been in it 24/7. Talking to most of their parents was like talking to air.

Yes, I could have spent $600 on building an 8ft lockable fence they maybe couldn't have climbed over to protect my $49.99 Walmart pool, but I didn't.

The neighbors a street down had a lockable 10ft fence around their fancy in-ground pool...maybe with a double string of barbed wire at the top and security cameras it might have actually worked...they used replace a section every other year because someone would cut a hole in the fence if they left on vacation.

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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2014, 11:58:34 PM »
This article is actually thanks to me.
That's awesome.

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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #41 on: February 13, 2014, 12:45:04 AM »
Child deaths in pools are largely (but not 100% of the time) caused by these things.

1. Dumb fucks not having child safe pool fences
2. Dumb fucks not supervising their kids properly
3. Dumb fucks in a country with lots of access to swimming facilities not teaching their kids to swim and about water safety

But for some reason it isn't ok to point out to people that they are dumb cunts. However it is okay to legislate to prevent their dumb cuntery.

I've said this many times before but the world would be a much better place if people had their idiocy pointed out to them.

I pretty much agree with 1 & 2, but have some reservations about 3. 

There isn't "lots" of access to swimming facilities.  Surprisingly in the New Orleans in the middle class neighborhoods swimming pools are few and far between.  In the poorer neighborhoods they are pretty non-existent.  You can't teach your child to swim if you don't know how to swim yourself.  Classes cost $, even at the Y.  It isn't really possible to teach every child to swim (access to pools, time available to parents, money).  Some like the PR are natural swimmers (how she can swim using one arm and leg is a marvel to watch); no one taught her.

I'm not sure how true this is, but  I've been told the US Navy prefers you not to know how to swim before you enlist.  They'd rather teach you properly.

When I was growing up in Australia swimming and water safety was taught at school. Was generalizing based on my own experience sorry, and also the article was about Australia.

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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #42 on: February 13, 2014, 01:06:31 AM »
I wonder how many drowning deaths were actually kids of the people that owned the pool?


You do your utmost to protect your kids, teach them to do this and that, but very often, other people are the problem.

It's a bit like traffic, isn't it? You can drive safely, hold every speed limit and stop on every red light, switch lanes responsibly, never handle a mobile phone while driving, etc, etc, etc, but all it takes is a single idiot who decides that he isn't too drunk to drive.
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #43 on: February 13, 2014, 12:06:45 PM »
Child deaths in pools are largely (but not 100% of the time) caused by these things.

1. Dumb fucks not having child safe pool fences
2. Dumb fucks not supervising their kids properly
3. Dumb fucks in a country with lots of access to swimming facilities not teaching their kids to swim and about water safety

But for some reason it isn't ok to point out to people that they are dumb cunts. However it is okay to legislate to prevent their dumb cuntery.

I've said this many times before but the world would be a much better place if people had their idiocy pointed out to them.

I pretty much agree with 1 & 2, but have some reservations about 3. 

There isn't "lots" of access to swimming facilities.  Surprisingly in the New Orleans in the middle class neighborhoods swimming pools are few and far between.  In the poorer neighborhoods they are pretty non-existent.  You can't teach your child to swim if you don't know how to swim yourself.  Classes cost $, even at the Y.  It isn't really possible to teach every child to swim (access to pools, time available to parents, money).  Some like the PR are natural swimmers (how she can swim using one arm and leg is a marvel to watch); no one taught her.

I'm not sure how true this is, but  I've been told the US Navy prefers you not to know how to swim before you enlist.  They'd rather teach you properly.

When I was growing up in Australia swimming and water safety was taught at school. Was generalizing based on my own experience sorry, and also the article was about Australia.

I think that would be a good idea here in the US also but so much is taught just to get test scores up a lot of other things get pushed aside but that's a whole other thread
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Re: Ban backyard pools
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2014, 12:56:03 PM »
Child deaths in pools are largely (but not 100% of the time) caused by these things.

1. Dumb fucks not having child safe pool fences
2. Dumb fucks not supervising their kids properly
3. Dumb fucks in a country with lots of access to swimming facilities not teaching their kids to swim and about water safety

But for some reason it isn't ok to point out to people that they are dumb cunts. However it is okay to legislate to prevent their dumb cuntery.

I've said this many times before but the world would be a much better place if people had their idiocy pointed out to them.

I pretty much agree with 1 & 2, but have some reservations about 3. 

There isn't "lots" of access to swimming facilities.  Surprisingly in the New Orleans in the middle class neighborhoods swimming pools are few and far between.  In the poorer neighborhoods they are pretty non-existent.  You can't teach your child to swim if you don't know how to swim yourself.  Classes cost $, even at the Y.  It isn't really possible to teach every child to swim (access to pools, time available to parents, money).  Some like the PR are natural swimmers (how she can swim using one arm and leg is a marvel to watch); no one taught her.

I'm not sure how true this is, but  I've been told the US Navy prefers you not to know how to swim before you enlist.  They'd rather teach you properly.

When I was growing up in Australia swimming and water safety was taught at school. Was generalizing based on my own experience sorry, and also the article was about Australia.

I think that would be a good idea here in the US also but so much is taught just to get test scores up a lot of other things get pushed aside but that's a whole other thread

Test scores up and cost down seems to count only. Very sad. But that is what it is about lately.
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