CBC, I wear a gas mask to filter out toxic/mutagenic/acidic/caustic/strongly reducing or oxidizing fumes.
My old man is by now sensible enough to ask if he can safely go about his business, not in the slightest a chemist but he isn't a total idiot, and knows full well that my hobby is capable of/somewhat prone to producing nasty gases and similar such things. For the use of really badly unpleasant chemicals or productive of such as byproducts I either do things outside, again wearing my gas mask, or in a glovebox. And also I have my limits. I'm not about to for example, fill the house full of phosgene, and if needed, then find alternative methods of accomplishing the same goal. More than one way to skin a cat. Or find alternative reagents, producing some of the worst things I'd work with even outside by the means of doing so in situ, slowly generating them WITHIN the reaction vessel rather than introducing whatever it is from an outside source. For example if I wanted hydrogen cyanide gas then the way to do it is not generate loads within a second, third, fourth flask etc. but rather to, often as not, add potassium cyanide, sodium cyanide etc. to the reaction as required for the task at hand, and then slowly drip in acid, probably keeping the project situated in a sub-zero 'C cryogenic bath. If cold is an option of course. If not then more cyanide would be required as it would boil off.Then filtering the exit gases through multiple washing bottles full of NaOH (caustic soda) which it immediately reacts with and forms NaCN (sodium cyanide)
That particular rxn would be a green one too to a degree because some recycling of the HCN is possible, for that which does not react.