A math inclined person I'm not, and am unlikely ever TO be. Never got other than in an abstract modality, how people can find numbers and math beautiful or inspiring. Other than 'thats just how the fuckers are wired up'
Always HATED math in school, absolutely couldn't stand it. I strongly suspect I am dyscalculic, fairly majorly so in fact.
Generally, I am to mathematics, what a fish is to a bicycle:P
Only not remotely such a pretty picture (of course *I* am, but my math ability really, really isn't.)
I picked a mighty odd set of autie interest fields to adopt, didn't I now..particle physics, quantum mechanics, chem/bio and computer (in)security, along with a vast heap of other scientific fields added in alongside (although in truth, my introduction to a passion for science, was botany and mycology, both low-math intensive disciplines, at about age 4 or so. Although I think given the way I've learned autodidactically as a preference, and keep doing so, some tendency towards the sciences must be hardcoded in me)
But all downhill from there