I don't post pictures of myself on the Internet, and never understood why anyone else would.
Attention seeking. I've never posted pictures of my face openly, though, just have given it to some people who were curious about how I looked in PMs or on MSN. Usually I got a picture of them too.
I'm sure it can all be traced back to the traumas of my childhood, which must have left me with a need to seek self-validation through the opinions of others. Or maybe it's just general narcicisim. Anyone else got any theories as to why I'm the biggest pic-whore here?
accentuate the positive?
if you got it, the you may as well flaunt it.
i don't see a problem with someone who has confidence in certain traits that they feel are positive characteristics about themselves. confidence.
also peter, i think you have a great mind. i have told my wife several times that i admire you for your mind. to me it is a shame that you have so many internal problems such as chronic fatigue (at times) and depression. if you could have more confidence, etc, i think that your abilities would be without limit.