I think I heard somewhere that he has been living in his own filth alone since December when he broke EVERY appliance in the house and then moved on to the bathroom fixtures. His constant jerking off probably wasn't good for her little boy, and we know that nothing in life is Randy's fault! It must be aggravating to live with someone who is for lack of a better word, fucking gross!!!! I think even the cat is gone and now Randy is trying at the last minute to scramble for a way to pay his own bills seeing that his free ride has come to an end. HMMMM I wonder if he even thanked that nice sister of his for getting him through the last few months by taking care of his utilities??? Doubt it, he probably thinks he is entitled. If this idiot would succumb to a proper diagnosis he may be able to make his life easier and be moved into an assisted living facility. Oh well, just a couple of thoughts. If his sister was fighting with her boyfriend and would rather sleep in her car, that should tell you how awful his house was.