Rudolph tasted nice. 
I have heard stories of hunters who showed their children Bambi before feeding them venison. Of course, who knows on the internet? 
One day I ate with friends and their toddler. During dinner he began to sing a very sad kindergarten song about a calf that was about to be robbed from the pastures, and its mum reacting with a sad moooooohhh and noooooooo. He did it with such passion that his mother could not finish eating her meat.
His dad was happy with a double portion.
The only people have ever known who were vegetarian for moral reasons, had that with them as children and the only meat they had ever eaten was forced upon them. Though don't know if that's true of all moral vegans.
I am an autistic vegetarian, I stopped appreciating meat when we had to change butchers.

My mum did force a minimal amount of meat upon me every day though. The texture could be a problem for me before changing butchers already. The killing of an animal for food was not the issue. I loved the free range chickens from my grandmother. They made delicious soup.
I've known moral vegetarians who kept yearning for beef, chicken and bacon, but their moral ideas about food were stronger than their yearning.
I like telling them that plants have feelings too.