
Author Topic: Gays  (Read 7790 times)

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Re: Gays
« Reply #135 on: April 13, 2011, 11:25:59 AM »
No, it doesn't really.

But to state that the attitude comes from insecurities they have themselves, my thoughts earlier, isn't accurate I think though. Maybe it's some sort of convention thing. An urge to loudly prove 'they' don't belong to some group (i.e gays).. thereby indirectly claiming to belong to the opposite 'group'.


(dinner for me now though)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 04:17:14 PM by lutra »
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Re: Gays
« Reply #136 on: April 13, 2011, 12:45:56 PM »
i have a few little theory's on them queerosexuals [phrase made famous by the episode of family guy i just watched, god i love family guy]

on an observational level, i think gays are an error of nature.
but so are autists.
fact =/= emotion.

on a personal emotional level, i couldnt care less. error is part of nature.

first: have you ever thought of it this way? nature or evolution has many ways that go about things. in well rounded ecosystems theres always one thing that keeps another thing in check so that it does not grow out of control. the exception's of this little rule are few and far between. one of these exceptions in my personal views are us human beings... normally other exceptions such as algae [again just my opinion] can still allow other animals to thrive normally in the same habitat but humans do not, we change and destroy the habitat and very few animals thrive in what we build over once was good land... things such as rats and raccoons and pidgins may be able to survive in are lands. maybe even thrive. but wild horses and buffalo don't roam the streets of are city's. maybe this is nature or evolution just saying "hey, slow down on the baby making your ruining everything" and as far as AS is concerned i cant decide if we really are a mistake or if we are the next step in evolution, are brains developing higher sensitivity to sounds touch and other senses to further us in natural environments where dangers are many

second and on a personal note: i have a lot of issues with gays. i mean fine assuming my theory above is right you did not choose to be that way. but i admit i could be very wrong with that. i don't honestly buy into the whole "i did not choose to be gay" your not like it from when your born. you don't come out of your mommas pussy and look at the nurses boobs and thing "oooh dat sexy"... well maybe sir les did but i know every one else did not. you don't go into an incubator with other baby's beside you, one with pussy and another with a dick and think "i like the one with the penis better"... so if your going to admit to being gay at least show you CHOSE to be that way and not you were born that way. because none of us are born bi or gay or straight or tranny. sure we go through puberty and that changes us but even that is not being "born this way" so they are still talking out there ass

third and also on a personal note: GAY MARRIAGE IS FUCKING STUPID!. why the hell would any gay want to get married, if they want to attend a religious ceremony designed to wed a man and a women that has sacred meaning to a god who says [for lack of better words] if you are gay you will be punished and sent to the burning fires of hell then there is something seriously WRONG with them. don't they get it? they want to follow a book written by humans [granted that is not a great idea in the first place] that says that they are going to be forever tortured and damned for there lifestyle that THEY chose then they are either seriously stupid, or to busy fudge packing to give a crap and in either case someone like that should not even be allowed on the holy grounds of a church

fourth point: "its because i'm gay isn't it".... NO ITS NOT. i am not telling negative things to your face because your gay, i'm saying negative things to you because your an idiot and an asshole. the local movie store owners here are going out of business because of things like netfix and such. now i don't give a fuck when they set up they put two other stores out of business because everyone liked the owners of the new one better. but i walked in there and was looking at games and they were all horribly organised... so i said so to gluey who happened to be beside me then. the gay guy who owned the place then came up behind me and said "we have 32 thousand titles in here, do you think we have time to organised?" and i thought "well, you don't NEED to organize. you don't even work here. its what you pay your STAFF TO DO DUMB ASS" and the only reason i did not say it was "its because i'm gay isn't it" he has pulled that shit on other people, i did not need him to pull it with me

beyond those four points i don't really care enough on the subject to form opinions on actually being gay, just the behavior because some one decided they are pisses me off

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!

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Re: Gays
« Reply #137 on: April 13, 2011, 01:35:00 PM »
Zippo , how many gay people have you spoken to? I mean seriously.  ::)
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Gays
« Reply #138 on: April 13, 2011, 01:54:39 PM »
zippo, the whole "next step in evolution" idea simply tells me you do not fully know the mechanics of evolution. at best, autists are just what we seem to be: an anomaly allowed to survive thanx to human society. granted, evolution comes from anomalies, but its nothing "meant to be" or "meant to turn into".

if autists are the next step, then homosexuals, people w downs, and pedophiles are the next step in evolution as well, paralel to us. every anomaly that veers off whats normal.

it becomes "true" evolution, once all other humans are dead, or completely separate (such as shipped off to another planet)
leaving nothing but autists.
or gays
or pedophiles.

Offline Zippo

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Re: Gays
« Reply #139 on: April 13, 2011, 02:08:18 PM »
Zippo , how many gay people have you spoken to? I mean seriously.  ::)

more than my fare share. and not all of them are assholes. but those that are assholes or idiots just piss me off.

zippo, the whole "next step in evolution" idea simply tells me you do not fully know the mechanics of evolution. at best, autists are just what we seem to be: an anomaly allowed to survive thanx to human society. granted, evolution comes from anomalies, but its nothing "meant to be" or "meant to turn into".

if autists are the next step, then homosexuals, people w downs, and pedophiles are the next step in evolution as well, paralel to us. every anomaly that veers off whats normal.

it becomes "true" evolution, once all other humans are dead, or completely separate (such as shipped off to another planet)
leaving nothing but autists.
or gays
or pedophiles.

i meant its plausible... as far as gay, we know some species of animals re-produce a-sexually... maybe thats what gays COULD be the start of. as far as AS, it could be just senses being heightened, as for evolution not being evolution until all others are gone or a separate species: not true, evolution is a constant and occurs in subtle changes over many many years. we may not be "evolved" until said conditions are met but we are always evolving.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Gays
« Reply #140 on: April 13, 2011, 02:14:16 PM »
Zippo , how many gay people have you spoken to? I mean seriously.  ::)

more than my fare share. and not all of them are assholes. but those that are assholes or idiots just piss me off.

I've met more straight guys who feel the need to broadcast how they like to bone women , more that I have over zealous gays.

I put that down to them being arseholes though , not because they're straight.  :autism:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Gays
« Reply #141 on: April 13, 2011, 02:39:39 PM »
Zippo , how many gay people have you spoken to? I mean seriously.  ::)

more than my fare share. and not all of them are assholes. but those that are assholes or idiots just piss me off.

zippo, the whole "next step in evolution" idea simply tells me you do not fully know the mechanics of evolution. at best, autists are just what we seem to be: an anomaly allowed to survive thanx to human society. granted, evolution comes from anomalies, but its nothing "meant to be" or "meant to turn into".

if autists are the next step, then homosexuals, people w downs, and pedophiles are the next step in evolution as well, paralel to us. every anomaly that veers off whats normal.

it becomes "true" evolution, once all other humans are dead, or completely separate (such as shipped off to another planet)
leaving nothing but autists.
or gays
or pedophiles.

i meant its plausible... as far as gay, we know some species of animals re-produce a-sexually... maybe thats what gays COULD be the start of. as far as AS, it could be just senses being heightened, as for evolution not being evolution until all others are gone or a separate species: not true, evolution is a constant and occurs in subtle changes over many many years. we may not be "evolved" until said conditions are met but we are always evolving.

then how to you explain bacteria?
they have remained unevolved for 3 billion years.

evolution is NOT a constant fact. it happens where its prompted to happen, and for some creatures do not evolve, because their environment dont prompt it: like bacteria, like fish (reptiles evolved from some fish, but not from others. some fish simply remain fish) chimps, they didnt evolve into humans, but stayed chimps, dogs and cats evolve from mungoose-like animals - - - and mungoose like animals still exist, in their old "unevolved" shape.

the best way to illustrate this is:
approx 6 million years ago, creatures as good as identical to chimpanzees lived in vast jungles. these jungles retreated, and created "bottlenecks" for these populations.
the affected populations nearly died out, but only nearly-enough to leave a variation of surviving populations, surviving cus of their odd traits. these would become the varied selection of "proto humans" (wiki it, human evolution isnt linear)
the areas NOT affected, the areas that remained jungle, such as the congo, still has "the original chimp-like creatures", the chimps.
cus they had no reason to evolve.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 02:43:04 PM by ZEGH8578 »

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Re: Gays
« Reply #142 on: April 13, 2011, 06:33:54 PM »
There annoying. I accept the fact they exist but the attention whoreism is the worst ever. They bitch about being misunderstood when they got their own danm fucking following.

I'm a homophobe becuase I co-exist with them and dont really care in order to not be a homophobe you have to
LOVE THEM. Heavily embrace what isn't normal. it just confuses young people inot "sticking up for the little guy"

My friend would brag about going to Gay Pride and than when I was over I looked through her high school yearbook and went "I used to know that girl in highschool!" and my freind said "Yeah she has o freinds and people were mean to her....than she got fat...shes really depressed in stuff"

This is why gay people fucking outrage me. Attention whorism is what really makes my blood boil. ts made my blood boil so much I decided to stop writing zines about my multiple diagnossis and using my "differenes". I had a lot of art and poerty but it was mostly full of sob stories. Still gonna write zines but not make it into a one way ticket to the victim express. Stopped being a burger ass.

The victim bandwagon makes me fucking sick. There are people who actually are weak. Actually are pathetic and are in need of sympathy than some faggot bitchingg about a Dire Straits song. Weak Shallow and greedy.
Capitalise off being a faggot.

I  am different and misunderstood but fuck! I healthy, got a family who loves me a couple good freinds, a warm house with a BEACH FRONT were currently renting from freinds, having a dad help me build a skid platform cause I want my own space for the summer, food in my belly, basic luxuries, a couple of good freinds, quite a few aquiaces...... yes I rant and complain a lot but at least im not making everything politically correct.'s not enough. I'm going to get the government to get on Encyclopaedia  Dramaticas ass and smash down their cruel articles on "aspergers" "Women" "Red Heads" "ADHD" "Punk rock music" im gonna cry. wah.


Offline Squidusa

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Re: Gays
« Reply #143 on: April 13, 2011, 07:26:34 PM »
There annoying. I accept the fact they exist but the attention whoreism is the worst ever. They bitch about being misunderstood when they got their own danm fucking following.

I'm a homophobe becuase I co-exist with them and dont really care in order to not be a homophobe you have to
LOVE THEM. Heavily embrace what isn't normal. it just confuses young people inot "sticking up for the little guy"

My friend would brag about going to Gay Pride and than when I was over I looked through her high school yearbook and went "I used to know that girl in highschool!" and my freind said "Yeah she has o freinds and people were mean to her....than she got fat...shes really depressed in stuff"

This is why gay people fucking outrage me. Attention whorism is what really makes my blood boil. ts made my blood boil so much I decided to stop writing zines about my multiple diagnossis and using my "differenes". I had a lot of art and poerty but it was mostly full of sob stories. Still gonna write zines but not make it into a one way ticket to the victim express. Stopped being a burger ass.

The victim bandwagon makes me fucking sick. There are people who actually are weak. Actually are pathetic and are in need of sympathy than some faggot bitchingg about a Dire Straits song. Weak Shallow and greedy.
Capitalise off being a faggot.

I  am different and misunderstood but fuck! I healthy, got a family who loves me a couple good freinds, a warm house with a BEACH FRONT were currently renting from freinds, having a dad help me build a skid platform cause I want my own space for the summer, food in my belly, basic luxuries, a couple of good freinds, quite a few aquiaces...... yes I rant and complain a lot but at least im not making everything politically correct.'s not enough. I'm going to get the government to get on Encyclopaedia  Dramaticas ass and smash down their cruel articles on "aspergers" "Women" "Red Heads" "ADHD" "Punk rock music" im gonna cry. wah.


Thanks for that delightful piece of ignorant rambling , clearly the pair of you haven't yet realised the fact that stereotypes are bullshit , I am gay and i'm confident with my sexuality , I make jokes about it , sure , I am open about it? sure.

Will you accuse this of being attention whoring? mm probably.  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: Gays
« Reply #144 on: April 13, 2011, 07:28:56 PM »
Gee, after 140 posts I would have thought this thread would have been about the cotton yield in Egypt the way we stay on track. 
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Re: Gays
« Reply #145 on: April 13, 2011, 07:31:02 PM »
Gee, after 140 posts I would have thought this thread would have been about the cotton yield in Egypt the way we stay on track. 

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: Gays
« Reply #146 on: April 13, 2011, 07:32:16 PM »
Zippo , how many gay people have you spoken to? I mean seriously.  ::)

more than my fare share. and not all of them are assholes. but those that are assholes or idiots just piss me off.

zippo, the whole "next step in evolution" idea simply tells me you do not fully know the mechanics of evolution. at best, autists are just what we seem to be: an anomaly allowed to survive thanx to human society. granted, evolution comes from anomalies, but its nothing "meant to be" or "meant to turn into".

if autists are the next step, then homosexuals, people w downs, and pedophiles are the next step in evolution as well, paralel to us. every anomaly that veers off whats normal.

it becomes "true" evolution, once all other humans are dead, or completely separate (such as shipped off to another planet)
leaving nothing but autists.
or gays
or pedophiles.

i meant its plausible... as far as gay, we know some species of animals re-produce a-sexually... maybe thats what gays COULD be the start of. as far as AS, it could be just senses being heightened, as for evolution not being evolution until all others are gone or a separate species: not true, evolution is a constant and occurs in subtle changes over many many years. we may not be "evolved" until said conditions are met but we are always evolving.

then how to you explain bacteria?
they have remained unevolved for 3 billion years.

evolution is NOT a constant fact. it happens where its prompted to happen, and for some creatures do not evolve, because their environment dont prompt it: like bacteria, like fish (reptiles evolved from some fish, but not from others. some fish simply remain fish) chimps, they didnt evolve into humans, but stayed chimps, dogs and cats evolve from mungoose-like animals - - - and mungoose like animals still exist, in their old "unevolved" shape.

the best way to illustrate this is:
approx 6 million years ago, creatures as good as identical to chimpanzees lived in vast jungles. these jungles retreated, and created "bottlenecks" for these populations.
the affected populations nearly died out, but only nearly-enough to leave a variation of surviving populations, surviving cus of their odd traits. these would become the varied selection of "proto humans" (wiki it, human evolution isnt linear)
the areas NOT affected, the areas that remained jungle, such as the congo, still has "the original chimp-like creatures", the chimps.
cus they had no reason to evolve.


Evolution is always happening because mutation and reproduction are always happening. Whether an organism changes or not, differently adapted organisms will have differential reproductive success. This will lead to better adaptations.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 07:34:03 PM by Semicolon »
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Re: Gays
« Reply #147 on: April 13, 2011, 07:47:47 PM »
Typical Gluey and Zippo.

Storm in , rant about something , debate it a little then storm off.

Get your arses back in here you two and back up your shit.  :thumbdn:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Gays
« Reply #148 on: April 13, 2011, 07:51:03 PM »
Typical Gluey and Zippo.

Storm in , rant about something , debate it a little then storm off.

Get your arses back in here you two and back up your shit.  :thumbdn:

Youngins.  You have to forgive them for their lack of worldly experience, and youthful exuberance in broadcasting it  :autism:

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Re: Gays
« Reply #149 on: April 13, 2011, 07:52:02 PM »
Typical Gluey and Zippo.

Storm in , rant about something , debate it a little then storm off.

Get your arses back in here you two and back up your shit.  :thumbdn:

Youngins.  You have to forgive them for their lack of worldly experience, and youthful exuberance in broadcasting it  :autism:

As I'm the same age as them I'm going to have to call bullshit on you.  :zoinks:

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.