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R.I.P. Randy

<< < (9/10) > >>

Thought about him a lot today, for some reason.

rock hound:
He was a classic!   

Yeah, he was unique. poor guy.

Randy would have been 34 today.
The only person to have three active accounts.


--- Quote from: renaeden on January 06, 2017, 01:27:24 AM ---Randy would have been 34 today.
The only person to have three active accounts.

--- End quote ---
I am an alpha male looking for a hot femail fill with my hot seed. Spread your legs and bend over and I'll take you to town woman. I have a firm musclar bodie like mr inverse. I am in hot demand don't wate too long four this unce in a lifetime opportune to pass you bye.  :evillaugh:


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