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R.I.P. Randy
Thanks for everything that you did, Coral.
That's a really beautiful last wish that Randy asked for.
(Shit, I tried to identify again, but I can not)
Coral, your family has my most sincere empathy.
Thank you all for your condolences. Our family came together for Randy but unfortunately they're all back to their past selves. There was no way I was going to continue to be a nurse to strangers & allow my little brother to die alone in a dingy state psych facility. It's funny that at one point Randy's major goal (besides finding a woman!) was to become a doctor & fire me! I reminded him of this one day & he laughed a little. He ended up being my best bud & trusting me completely with his life & his death. He wanted to live more than anyone I know I feel like I failed him in some way even though I knew he was terminal. I wanted that miracle for him so badly. To watch him lose his ability to eat & work out due to complete malignant obstructions throughout his stomach & intestinal track & a large tumor on his spine that eventually paralyzed him from the waist down. The very small things that gave him comfort & happiness were taken by the cancer one by one in an almost vindictive manner. Randy, despite his posts here & some of his odd behaviors was pure & endured such suffering but never giving up hope. Reading his old posts on here is giving me sadness & comfort at the same time. Over the last year I can truly say I fell in love with him. I always loved him but his strength & courage during all of this made me see him in a way I did when we were little & he came home from the hospital. I wanted him to be all mine, protect him, take good care of him. RIP my cookamunga my heart is so broken. I made him a Facebook page while he was home & it's still active if anyone wants to friend request him I will accept for him. His name is Randy Watson out of New London, CT. I'm also on there too Coral Watson just send a msg with the friend request that says intenisty2.
I wish I knew what to say to ease your pain; I don't.
I do know that you were always his champion, always looking out for him. He was lucky to have you as his sister.
Thank you Coral.
He was a fighter, I had hopes that he might beat the cancer.
R.I.P. will be missed. :(
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