That you are 14 and in high school would certainly explain your behavior.
But how can you be half bald at 14?
Bad genes. Ima drive this little fucker across state lines and take his virginity.
Wow, I wish I had been seduced by beautiful women when I was 14. It might not be legal, but then all men just want sex, etc.
I had sex for the first time when I was like 12 or 13 or something.
It must be really disturbing to NOT be able to actually remember. I feel for you.
I can remember details of my FIRST as clearly as my last, maybe even a bit more so, but do not tell my wife such.
Seriously, do you not remember or you attempting a gestalt in regards to your massive sexlife?
Actually, its not disturbing at all. I don't know why everyone always seems so shocked that I don't remember things like that. I barely remember anything before my early twenties in fact.
Kind of interesting, but disturbing.
I will have a difficult time relating to this aspect of your persona, since I remember things from when I was two and three with distinction. I am now fifty eight and honestly, I do get some trouble with current memory, so Alzheimer's away, here we go!!
Really, losing my glasses is a bitch!!
Just to help those just behind me, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS put them down in the same place!! It makes it much easier to remember where they are!
I don't think I really ever assigned much importance to the details of things. It only makes sense to me that I wouldn't remember details about the first time I had sex, because I really didn't give a shit about the girl I fucked. I remember she was a few years older, and I was mostly interested in what it was going to feel like, and what her tits felt like.
I don't even remember her name, what her face looked like, or what color her hair was. I remember smelling pussy for the first time, and that's it. Lol.