If the state manages to sue the man, for his sperm is responsible for the conception of the child, then sex becomes a really dangerous thing.
Legally and financilly, sex has been a really dangerous thing for men for quite some time. 
For women too, so, now the sexes are both burdened by the consequences of the sins of the flesh. 
Really? Will predominately men or women have a say in whether they become parents? When men and women become parents what is accepted parental leave? If they split up, who is favoured in the court system? Does the State tend to financially favour men or women?
The questions keep popping up and in each instance, the favoritism is with Women against men. In many, many areas the favouritism is obscenely skewed in favour of the women and ripe for women to (without censor) to abuse.
That said there are exceptions. In some instances there is 50% custody and all amicable and smiles. In some instances, the mother is screwed. These though are the exceptions. In general terms, Jack is dead right.
I really hope you were joking, Hyke. I really hope it was a joke I did not get.