To settle the issue, of who has a longer penis, once and for all. Until sufficient time has passed to warrant changes in length.
PENIS SIZE COMPARISONFriday evening, November 1st this year.Rules:
- a solid rule or ruler must be used and pushed in/down as far as possible (to rule out making excuses for body fat and measuring inaccuracy)
- camera shot must be 90° to ruler from top
- penis must be pushed below and on to the ruler
- ruler shall not be bent
- hand written sticky note with "INTENSITY**2" must be sticked on the middle of the ruler (if your penis is too small for that, stick it at the beginning or better don't participate in the contest)
- no vacuum pumps or other mechanical or chemical aides allowed
No excuses. Winner wins on the following Sunday 00:01 GMT.
UPDATE:Because most members don't seem to be man enough to show their genitals in public, the pictures can be uploaded here and will be password protected:
http://intensity-squared.atspace.ccThe password to the script as well as to the webhosting will be given to a trustworthy woman on this board, who can then select other trustworthy women to be included in the rating. The rating can be done easily with the password on the site.
The script is free of security holes or flaws or hax that would make the images accessible and it can be viewed and reviewed here by anyone.
If you are not on the list, it is reasonable to assume that someone on that list defeated you already and you saved yourself the trouble of uploading. Anyone could upload fakes with their own (tiny) penis, so only the longest penis size's value is absolutely certain.
WARNING! Do not upload before November 1st.