"People often mistaken me for something that I am not. Does the criticism hurt? Yes... but the best medicine is to ignore, and not give a shit."- Ian Mackalford
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To the contrary, everyone made up reasons to bail out of the contest, such that I am gay and it is worthless, etc.However, if no one but me participated I would naturally win.
This is a message board, not a ouija board
Well, the facts are now:1. that I don't get to see any pictures and therefore it cannot be about myself being gay or wanting to see penis pictures.2. The only reason for you to not accept the call out is that you don't find it worth of your timeI don't think that is valid enough for you to bail out.
I always said that I am not interested in your penis pictures, but that it is merely a necessity to confirm the supposed length.It would have been much simpler to just post a picture in a thread, but since you all seem to be super shy and ashamed of your genitals, I guess it can also work more discreetly.
Possibly. It depends on the current social norms though. I imagine that two men about to fight and hurt each other would be, with nowadays anti-violence policy, appreciated to settle the issue with a penis length comparison instead. Because it shows courage to overcome emotional inhibitions for the greater good (which is not hurting people, which I don't agree with). Also this could be the case if two men had a long-lasting quarrel. But I guess as long as two men can physically fight against each other, penis comparisons are pretty superfluous.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!
We could either PM the pictures to the women directly, or I write a super simple PHP upload script (that even a monkey can verify not to be rigged) uploaded to free web hosting, then a female member can change the password and only those who have the password will be able to see the pictures.
I don't think that is valid enough for you to bail out.
I always said that I am not interested in your penis pictures, but that it is merely a necessity to confirm the supposed length.
<?php session_start();require("secret.php");$dummy = array();if(isset($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"])){ $thesize = getimagesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]); $the_size = isset($thesize[0])?$thesize[0]:0;}else $the_size = 0;if(!isset($_GET['action'])) { echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 24px">'; if(isset($_GET['success']) && in_array($_GET['success'], array("upload", "rating", "password_change"))) echo "<h3>".$_GET['success']." successful!</h3>"; echo '<a href="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/?action=view">rate pictures</a><p>'; if(!isset($_SESSION['passwd']) || $_SESSION['passwd'] !== $secretpw) { echo '<h3>Name the file after your username and upload</h3>'; echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="file" name="file"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></form><p><br>'; } $ratez = array(); foreach($ratings as $kk => $vv) foreach($vv as $k => $v) $ratez[$k] = isset($ratez[$k])?$ratez[$k].", ".($v>0?round($v, 2)."cm":"invalid"):"".($v>0?round($v, 2)."cm":"invalid"); echo "<h2>Hall of fame</h2><table align='center' style='text-align: left'>"; foreach($ratez as $k => $v) echo "<tr><td>".$k.":</td><td>".$v."</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo '</div>';}// check access to rating or viewingelse if($_GET['action'] === 'view' || $_GET['action'] === 'rate' || $_GET['action'] === 'changepw'){ $_SESSION['passwd'] = isset($_POST['passwd'])?md5((isset($_POST['passwd'])?$_POST['passwd']:"")."SUPER SEcUr3 s4lt ASDF-+%"):$_SESSION['passwd']; if($_SESSION['passwd'] !== $secretpw || ($_GET['action'] === 'changepw' && !isset($_POST['newpasswd']))) { if($_SESSION['passwd'] === $secretpw) { $text = "NEW password (must be 12 or more characters)"; $new = "new"; } else { $new = ""; $text = "Current password"; } echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action='.$_GET['action'].'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'.$text.': <input type="password" name="'.$new.'passwd"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></form>'; exit(0); } $_SESSION['irated'] = isset($_SESSION['irated'])?$_SESSION['irated']:array(); if($_GET['action'] === 'changepw' && isset($_POST['newpasswd'])) { if(strlen($_POST['newpasswd']) >= 12) { file_put_contents("./secret.php", preg_replace("/".$_SESSION['passwd']."/", md5($_POST['newpasswd']."SUPER SEcUr3 s4lt ASDF-+%"), file_get_contents("./secret.php"))); $_SESSION['passwd'] = md5($_POST['newpasswd']."SUPER SEcUr3 s4lt ASDF-+%"); header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/?success=password_change"); } else echo "<h1>You did it wrong </h1>"; } else if($_GET['action'] === 'rate') { $irate = ""; foreach($cockpix as $k => $v) { if(!isset($_SESSION['irated'][$k]) && isset($_POST[$k.'unit']) && in_array($_POST[$k.'unit'], array('inch', 'cm'))) { if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", (isset($_POST[$k])?$_POST[$k]:"")) > 0) $length = floatval($_POST[$k]); else $length = 0; $irate .= "array('".$k."' => ".floatval($_POST[$k.'unit']==='cm'?$length:$length*2.54)."), \n"; } if(isset($_POST[$k])) $_SESSION['irated'][$k] = 1; } file_put_contents("./secret.php", "<?php\n\$ratings = array(\n".$irate.substr(file_get_contents("./secret.php"), 24)); header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/?success=rating"); } else { echo '<span style="text-align: center; font-size: 24px"><form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=rate" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; foreach($cockpix as $k => $v) if(!isset($_SESSION['irated'][$k])) { echo '<img src="./'.$v.'"><br> Length: <input type="text" name="'.$k.'"> <select name="'.$k.'unit"><option value="cm">cm</option><option value="inch">inch</option></select> (leave empty = invalid picture or wrong method)<p><br><p><hr><p>'; $pics = 1; } if(!isset($pics)) echo "<h3>nothing new to rate</h3>"; echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></form></span>'; } }// only upload real images, checked by extension and image dimension and if not already 2x uploaded because of spamelse if(isset($_FILES["file"]) && $_FILES["file"]["error"] <= 0 && preg_match_all("/(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i", $_FILES["file"]["name"], $dummy) > 0 && $the_size > 600 && (!isset($_SESSION['ishituploads']) || $_SESSION['ishituploads'] < 2) && !isset($cockpix[preg_replace("/([^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+|jpg$|jpeg$|gif$|png$)/i", "", $_FILES["file"]["name"])])){ // write secret php file, with new array element, character filtered (so no hax possible) and real image file name md5 encoded from random TMP file string file_put_contents("./secret.php", substr(file_get_contents("./secret.php"), 0, -6)."'".preg_replace("/([^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+|jpg$|jpeg$|gif$|png$)/i", "", $_FILES["file"]["name"])."' => '".md5($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]).".jpg',\n"."); ?>\n"); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], md5($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]).".jpg"); $_SESSION['ishituploads'] = isset($_SESSION['ishituploads'])?$_SESSION['ishituploads']+1:1; header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/?success=upload");}else echo "SOME KIND OF ERROR. Only upload jpg, gif, png, and small file size, must be > 600px wide. You can upload 2 or 3 images max (I can't count properly) and not file names from the list.";
<?php$ratings = array();$secretpw = "405983cec61ef07b651f6e147c4c50e6";$cockpix = array(); ?>