Start here > What is Intensity²?

What do you see in the picture?

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The context was, that it was the only option left to compare manliness, because having a fight is too expensive.


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 13, 2013, 02:08:56 AM ---The context was, that it was the only option left to compare manliness, because having a fight is too expensive.

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Whereas rubbing dicks is cost effective?  ??? Sure that's not gay.  :thumbup:

Cute password joke, but what I saw was a personm, and that was not a choice. What is your fucking point?

DFGL hasn't been here in a while.

Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: Semicolon on August 27, 2014, 02:56:29 PM ---DFGL hasn't been here in a while.

--- End quote ---

It doesn't matter to awiddershitlife, she's after maximum victimhood points for the Oppression Olympics.  :tard:


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