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--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 12, 2013, 02:46:57 PM ---The problem is that I am not gay to begin with.

For example, your face is just displeasing to the eye. How do I get myself to perceive you as attractive, like a gay man probably would?

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Just come out of the closet and be okay with your gayness.

You are assuming that I am already gay, but the issue is about becoming gay.


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 12, 2013, 02:50:58 PM ---You are assuming that I am already gay, but the issue is about becoming gay.

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I know you're gay. No straight man would ask to see another man's penis.

Why are you so obsessed about attracting gay people with your penis?


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 12, 2013, 02:59:05 PM ---Why are you so obsessed about attracting gay people with your penis?

--- End quote ---

Why were you obsessed enough with mine that you asked to see it? Unless you're gay, you don't go looking to check out another man's nakedness.


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