It is Women Deficit Hypersexuality Disorder.
I react atypical to the cure.
With normal people, their women are not disturbed. But if I try to get women, they are impulsively offended and escape quickly. The lack of women in my life also causes me to get hypersexual.
I hope the disorder will be included in the ICD-11.
You have to re-set your sexual cravings, or you're always gonna give off the wrong vibes, and, as you say, chase women away.
There are no "leagues" or any other such myth, looks matter very little, it's all attitude.
It's a problem for many aspies, the longer they go without dipping their peen, the more intense vibes they put out, and most women aren't in it for that kind of intensity, they just want a confident dude to charm them.
It is also unfortunate that you are so obsessed with this, because it really isn't that special. Fucking is MAGIC for "nt"-people because it is such an emotional instinctive thing, they lose all track of reality, as they do with everything else emotional.
For me, as an aspie, it is just... I observe it, physically, its nice and all, but whatever, sticky, gooey, over in a matter of 10-15 minutes, depending on how into it you even are, and that's it. That's what you're obsessing about, 15 minutes of goo!