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How to randomly attract creepy, obsessive, controlling stalker women?

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--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 09, 2013, 06:50:46 AM ---Shit response. Next.

--- End quote ---

sometimes do I at when for there to be only that?


This thread is about attracting creepy stalker women and not about nonsense.


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 09, 2013, 02:15:12 AM ---Where members get into romantic relationships with each other.

--- End quote ---

We don't have a thread or forum for that. You're welcome to start a thread, though.


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 09, 2013, 11:49:52 AM ---:'(

This thread is about attracting creepy stalker women and not about nonsense.

--- End quote ---

One of the things you'll soon notice here that nothing stays on topic for long. If at all.

I was in the library and popped a boner when women walked by because 1200 herbal med tablets ginseng sexsex I can lift 500 pounds with my neck come on out I want to make fun of you


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