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How to randomly attract creepy, obsessive, controlling stalker women?

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A viking? Obviously. That made no sense at all.


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 08, 2013, 12:52:51 PM ---A viking? Obviously. That made no sense at all.

--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: odeon on October 08, 2013, 12:38:11 PM ---Yeah, we should all stay there and infect the wannabes, too.

--- End quote ---

Indeed. Asspie supremacy and such.  :zoinks:

What I have found on this forum so far is mostly a big pile of shit. I guess the content goes with the favicon.

Where is the dating thread btw?


--- Quote from: duckfetishgirllover on October 08, 2013, 12:52:51 PM ---A viking? Obviously. That made no sense at all.

--- End quote ---

How is that obvious? I have viking ancestry for real  8)


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