I know nothing about Sanders or Cruz (haven't been paying attention, fuck me) but they can't be worse than Hillary or Trump. Please. I hope.
You may not have to worry, you know, "going back to your igloo and all."
You know what a ridiculous choice Hillary would be. As much as most of the country has anticipated a CAPABLE woman to take that office, there just has not been one "willing" to make the sacrifice AND qualified to win the vote. "Angels and ministers of grace defend us" from the ministrations of an Hillary presidency, Please!!
Trump may be a genius when it comes to making himself rich, pretty sure we all agree that his style will not work in a system that requires that "the second place" survive his efforts to overtake. "Angels and ..."
Sanders is a Democratic Socialist, by his own claim. Pretty sure that is NOT going to fly around here. Some of his ideas are truly intriguing (nothing new, mind you) and capture the imagination in ways that we all "pretend" we could support, except for that annoying thing of having to pay for it all out of our own pockets, but we are literally generations away from a public acceptance of what he says he will do in his administration of the Executive office. "Angels and ..."
Here is one of Bernie Sanders' websites. I have looked at this for weeks and I do believe that all are Patriots of our proud nation, except for Trump and Sanders, possibly, but Cruz might be the only one who has a the slightest, last chance for an inkling of sanity still glistening in his overworked, furled brow.
This is going to be one of those white knuckle, nail biting elections, where you only hope that the "worst guy" does not win.