
Author Topic: Government shutdown time!  (Read 6415 times)

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2013, 10:29:29 PM »
I tried digging shit out of my ass when I was constipated and it worked

That's a good story. Have you ever had white dandruff stuff come out of your vagina?
i farted moths

I'm sure that counts.

It does.

Then there is yet hope...

I think you've been spending too much time here. ;)

Jack Nicholson.  Why do people keep saying that to me? 

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2013, 12:12:17 PM »
Quote from: Gotboredwithlions
Quote from: McMature
Quote from: Semicolon
Quote from: McMature
I tried digging shit out of my ass when I was constipated and it worked

That's a good story. Have you ever had white dandruff stuff come out of your vagina?
i farted moths

I'm sure that counts.

It does.

Then there is yet hope...

I think you've been spending too much time here. ;)

Jack Nicholson.  Why do people keep saying that to me?

Because you're acting as if this place was ASDC.
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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2013, 05:20:03 AM »
I'd just love to see the federal government system itself crash and burn.

At the very first, when obama bin laden got in, I hoped that maybe he would   be better than Bush and others. But oh no, the crooked fucking spear chucker seems determined to turn the US into a surveillance and police state (or rather, should I say, MORE of a police state) and generally violate everybodys rights to privacy and security of their person and property.

Bush was notorious for his program of targeted assassinations of ragheads using unmanned drone aircraft. Our little nigger friend should have shut it down, but no, he did no such thing. And even deployed the drones first against militants in combat, then came back to open up on medical personnel who had come to treat the injured and recover bodies.

And how about this? Coon chops even deployed the drones to open fire upon FUNERALS of the ragheads killed, to kill relatives and mourners.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2013, 02:44:34 PM »
So, Imagine that the company you work for held a poll, and asked everyone if they thought it would be a good idea to put a soda machine in the break room. The poll came back, and the majority of your colleagues said "Yes", indicating that they would like a soda machine. Some said no, but the majority said yes.

So, a week later, there's a soda machine. Now imagine that Bill in accounting voted against the soda machine. He has a strong hatred for caffeinated soft drinks, thinks they are bad you you, whatever. He campaigns throughout the office to get the machine removed. Well, management decides "OK, we'll ask again" and again, the majority of people say "Yes, lets keep the soda machine." Bill continues to campaign, and management continues to ask the employees, and every time, the answer is in favor of the soda machine.

This happens, lets say... 35 times.

Eventually, Bill says "OK, I'M NOT PROCESSING PAYROLL ANYMORE UNTIL THE SODA MACHINE IS REMOVED", so nobody will get paid unless management removes the machine. What should we do???

Answer: Fire Bill and get someone who will do the f***ing job.

Bonus: Bill tells everyone that he was willing to "Negotiate", to come to a solution where everyone got their payroll checks, but only so long as that negotiation capitulated to his demand to remove the soda machine.

Bill is a f***ing jackass.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2013, 06:21:06 PM »
Let me give you a more correct perspective.

So, Imagine that the company you work for held a poll, and asked everyone if they thought it would be a good idea to put a soda machine in the break room. The poll came back, and the majority of your colleagues said "Yes", indicating that they would like a soda machine. Some said no, but the majority said yes.

So, a week later, there's a soda machine. Now imagine that the soda machine is far more expensive than you were told, and it carries none of the beverages anyone else likes. On top of that, management has a private, much cheaper soda machine with all the sodas they like in a room none of the other employees are "allowed" to access.

Imagine that some guy named bill got angry about this, while everyone else was too apathetic or brainwashed to actually make a big deal out of it. After bill campaigns a bit, he manages to wake some people up around the office, and they realize that they don't have to me lied to. Well, management decides "OK, we'll ask again" while apologizing and promising to change the selection of sodas and lower the price. Additionally they cause scenes at work, distracting people from becoming impassioned about the gyp of the soda machine.  And again, the majority of people say "Yes, lets keep the soda machine."

Bill continues to campaign, and management continues to ask the employees, and every time, the answer is in favor of the soda machine.

This happens, lets say... 35 times.

Eventually, Bill says "OK, I'M NOT PROCESSING PAYROLL ANYMORE UNTIL THE SODA MACHINE IS REMOVED OR REPLACED BY A MORE REASONABLE ONE", so nobody will get paid unless management removes the machine. What should we do???

Answer: Fire Bill AND MANAGEMENT and get someone who will do the f***ing job.

Bonus: Bill tells everyone that he was willing to "Negotiate", to come to a solution where everyone got their payroll checks, but only so long as that negotiation capitulated to a solution that wasn't a drain on everyone's wallet. Namely, management keeping the promises they made to begin with.

Bill is a f***ing jackass. And so is management. And so are the majority of the employees. Anyone who blames only one of these groups is a fucking brainwashed moron.

Yeah. Bonus bonus, one of those memes you hate so much, Possum.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 06:25:21 PM by RageBeoulve »
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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2013, 06:27:40 PM »
The signals only started 3 days ago.
It doesn't even really start until the new year, dummy.  They have no idea how expensive its going to be.  You are buying political talking points, dummy.

And besides, the actual cost, ESTIMATES (for emphasis) have actually been coming in lower than expected. Dummy.

Check this out, it is called the affordable care act. It is meant to insure over 20 million Americans which cannot currently get insurance since the industry is a scam.  And in order for it to be affordable for all, they have the individual mandate (shared risk pool) which should keep the costs down.

There is so much more to this law that I bet you haven't even bothered to research. 
Stick with the talking points kid.
Oh yeah, poopy!

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2013, 06:37:14 PM »
The signals only started 3 days ago.
It doesn't even really start until the new year, dummy.  They have no idea how expensive its going to be.  You are buying political talking points, dummy.

And besides, the actual cost, ESTIMATES (for emphasis) have actually been coming in lower than expected. Dummy.

Check this out, it is called the affordable care act. It is meant to insure over 20 million Americans which cannot currently get insurance since the industry is a scam.  And in order for it to be affordable for all, they have the individual mandate (shared risk pool) which should keep the costs down.

There is so much more to this law that I bet you haven't even bothered to research. 
Stick with the talking points kid.
Oh yeah, poopy!

Here we go with the dummy shit again.

By insuring over 20 million americans, that money is being taken out of our economy. Our economy is based on a capitalist design, so what do you think is going to happen when people can't just go out and buy a bunch of floating barbeque grills for their pool on a whim anymore? Employers are also not going to supply their employees with the finest healthcare available, because they are running a business. They're going to go for the cheapest option they can in order to keep things from cutting into profits, generally. Not to mention the HUGE list of politicians that have wormed exemptions for themselves into these legislations.

These facts are easily distinguished by a gradeschooler, and are not political talking points. I think YOU are the one buying into rhetoric without actually thinking about it for yourself. Faggot. Besides. All I did was tell a story about a coke machine. How did you get political talking points out of that, and how did you know EXACTLY what I was talking about? I'm interested in real solutions, Jag. Not a bunch of politicians throwing us half ass patches and fighting over which is the best one, running into their respective rooms and slamming the door when they can't have their way.

ALL the politicians are fucking dicks.

Ohh I see. Because I said something, it must have included political talking points. You should automatically hate and oppose anything I have to say, because I am secretly a republican, GW's son, and I work for the NSA. :laugh:
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 06:42:04 PM by RageBeoulve »
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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2013, 06:44:59 PM »
So you assume.  Your logic, based upon your hatred of politicians, means its going to cost more than expected.  When in reality, nobody knows.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.
ACA is barely underway and won't be in effect until 2014.


Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2013, 06:49:09 PM »
So you assume.  Your logic, based upon your hatred of politicians, means its going to cost more than expected.  When in reality, nobody knows.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.
ACA is barely underway and won't be in effect until 2014.

Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.

I notice how you stated that, but didn't directly accuse me of it after reading my prior post. You passive aggressive cunt, you.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2013, 06:52:42 PM »
So you assume.  Your logic, based upon your hatred of politicians, means its going to cost more than expected.  When in reality, nobody knows.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.
ACA is barely underway and won't be in effect until 2014.

Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.

I notice how you stated that, but didn't directly accuse me of it after reading my prior post. You passive aggressive cunt, you.
although focused, I bet living in your mind is a wild ride.

If you need a friend, I'd be happy to have discussions with you.  If you need someone to beat on, I'm not your huckleberry.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2013, 06:56:40 PM »
So you assume.  Your logic, based upon your hatred of politicians, means its going to cost more than expected.  When in reality, nobody knows.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.
ACA is barely underway and won't be in effect until 2014.

Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.

I notice how you stated that, but didn't directly accuse me of it after reading my prior post. You passive aggressive cunt, you.
although focused, I bet living in your mind is a wild ride.

If you need a friend, I'd be happy to have discussions with you.  If you need someone to beat on, I'm not your huckleberry.

If YOU need a friend, i'll thank you to show me the same respect and decency you would expect to be shown to you. When you hit people, they hit back. Its nature.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline conlang returns

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2013, 11:45:21 PM »
Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Voter initiatives nationwide!

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #42 on: October 05, 2013, 06:36:36 AM »
Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Voter initiatives nationwide!
in essence, that's how California is run.


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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #43 on: October 05, 2013, 06:38:18 AM »
So you assume.  Your logic, based upon your hatred of politicians, means its going to cost more than expected.  When in reality, nobody knows.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.
ACA is barely underway and won't be in effect until 2014.

Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.

I notice how you stated that, but didn't directly accuse me of it after reading my prior post. You passive aggressive cunt, you.
although focused, I bet living in your mind is a wild ride.

If you need a friend, I'd be happy to have discussions with you.  If you need someone to beat on, I'm not your huckleberry.

If YOU need a friend, i'll thank you to show me the same respect and decency you would expect to be shown to you. When you hit people, they hit back. Its nature.
actually, I'm not in the market.
And, projecting, you wear it well.


Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Government shutdown time!
« Reply #44 on: October 05, 2013, 11:52:41 AM »
So you assume.  Your logic, based upon your hatred of politicians, means its going to cost more than expected.  When in reality, nobody knows.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.
ACA is barely underway and won't be in effect until 2014.

Yeah, lets just fucking leave everything to the politicians and have no say in things. That's the American way.

Talking points because that is what the conservative talking heads and tea party republicans keep saying.  It is untrue and disingenuous.

I notice how you stated that, but didn't directly accuse me of it after reading my prior post. You passive aggressive cunt, you.
although focused, I bet living in your mind is a wild ride.

If you need a friend, I'd be happy to have discussions with you.  If you need someone to beat on, I'm not your huckleberry.

If YOU need a friend, i'll thank you to show me the same respect and decency you would expect to be shown to you. When you hit people, they hit back. Its nature.
actually, I'm not in the market.
And, projecting, you wear it well.


Ugh you're annoying. I JUST PROVED that's what you do, quoting your own posts!
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"