I personally do not think you can compare the internet to a book. it's entirely different in the fact that people don't worship it or revere it as golden poop. what The internet is, is a tool. I know this because you can use it anyway you want.
You can't use a book in a similar way. Unless its a math book, or something with absolute truths. The problem as I see it is people would rather be sentimental and traditional than have anything to do with common sense which to me, makes no sense.
I'm not trying to act like the one free thinker or man, (scrapheap) but, common. do you really need the constitution? or the bible?
Of course you don't. You want these things because people are traditional and sentimental beings
That is it you guys. ok
Personally, yes I would burn all books. even ones that are strickly factual based, why? because some idiot will try turning it into a religion, and then ultimately a constitution in the future!
I would suggest that we DO need a constitution and a defined system of laws, AS a unified people rejecting all that is wrong with the past, AND because of the fact that random PEOPLE are known to be generally unpredictable.
AS far as the Bible; we need to keep it around to make sure the mistakes of those times remain in the past. Fact or fiction, Who cares anymore!?! Keep it alongside Homer, Dante, Steven King, Walt Whitman, Louis Carroll, (George Lucas??) and a million other amazingly inspiring authors, Poets, artists who have already changed this world.
Study each ones changes made to the world and decide again if we should actually just chuck it all and begin again.
I say WE, as a people, learn again what it means to make mistakes, hold each one accountable for those indiscretions that affect others, and move on with a great deal of knowledge of ourselves for the nearly insurmountable task of making a better future for ALL of us.