My laptop does fine granted I don't play memory heavy games but for most normal stuff it's great.
Speaking of old fashioned TV's here's a few I have had in the past

This one we loaned out to a local theater group as a prop
My dad would love those. He's such a commie sometimes. His office chair he dug out of a dumpster - right in front of his workplace, ingeneers, people in ties "

"-ing from the office windows.
For years he had a 10cm little tv monitor on a radio, we had to adjust the antennae for 15 minutes to get some black and white tv.
On the one he has now everyone's pink. He refuses to upgrade, and knowing him he would rather downgrade considerably. It's almost impressive how he manages to turn down later used car models at more affordable price, than just a decade older one, considerably more worn and in need of repairs, for the same or slightly more. He is an expert!
He'll be all "Wait, this window closes properly."
"yes, yes it does."
"Hmmm... are you
sure you don't have a Lada standing around?"
he adored that Lada