You didn't address mine. You are still defensive, though.
Explain to me how I didn't address yours?
You did? Where?
How do you like our hat? Cooked?

Actually, no. I don't think it's possible to underestimate you.
Thanks for confirming my point.
Sorry. Didn't realise you had one.
Explains why you come off as a fanatic. Religion starts where rationality ends.
Hah, i'm an atheist, bro. I just don't thing a nation's constitution should be taken so lightly.
You are the one saying that your constitution is sacred, not me. Plenty of legislation I don't take lightly, but it doesn't mean I consider them sacred or above a debate.
Actually the original topic was about allowing the blind to carry guns. I should know. I started it.
But I was wrong about this being merely about your feelings. It's clearly also about your religion.
Again, I have no religion. And yeah, that's what I said. This thread started on the basis of legislations in Iowa. Iowa is an American state. You would never have made this thread if you hadn't heard what was going on in this American state. 
So? I spot an unusually moronic topic on the web. The topic happens to be about Iowa's gun laws.
And you do have a religion. You treat the US constitution the same as the religious would treat their god. Makes the subject very difficult to discuss since you don't treat it rationally.
Beats your solution to use a gun. That's a common theme with people like you.
And this is our fundemental disagreement. You are being ambiguous on purpose, but I will meet this point directly. Pretending something is not there will not solve a problem. In reality where the grown-ups live, its common knowledge that one must address problems as they develop or they will grow into a larger problem. As to your ambiguous statement, I laughed.
Are you really saying that you meant what you suggested? Should TA worry?
Beats your solution to use a gun.
Yeah whatever man. Use a gun for what? Do you even know?
There's an echo here. Could have sworn that I already addressed your reply to this.
You said it, I merely commented on your realisation.
It wasn't a realization. Dance around all you like sir, i'm actually trying to play ball with you.
But failing miserably. I'm only doing this for entertainment. Can't argue serious topics with the religious.
You can save more by closing down schools, too.
Its foolish to get rid of anything, which again seems to be a common theme with you. I said nothing of banning anything or closing anything down. I stated that the welfare state design in the U.K. would destroy my country, which is already several trillion dollars in the red.
One would think you had more important matters on your mind than guns, then.
Where did I suggest that you need the NHS, btw?
If you want a serious argument, produce serious comments.
I have been. You just don't like them.
I didn't see any, sorry.
Here's a question about your religion:
If ignoring the practicalities of getting rid of every firearm there is, if for a moment imagining it was possible (which, btw, I don't think it is), do you think the world would be a better place? A yes or no will do.
I have no religion, and no. People will continue to kill each other. You are looking to change the human condition, I think.
One would think that it would be a simple question to answer. It's called a hypothetical, Rage. Did you notice my parenthetical comment, in there?
The US population is (roughly) twice the size. Yet, yearly, more than 11,000 people die yearly in gun-related incidents.
Big problem with the language there.
There's a big problem there, that we agree on, but it's not related to the language.
more than 11,000 people die yearly in gun-related incidents.
How many of those were criminals killing each other, or being killed by victims of crime in self defense hmmm? How many of those were actually lives of law abiding citizens saved?
And you took the bait.
Those numbers (from Japan and the US) are directly comparable with each other. That's the point.
This topic is not about health care, though. It's an important subject but I suggest you to start a separate thread for it.
I'm not arguing health care and you know it. I used a very large number (195,000 deaths) to illustrate that there are other very important life saving things that wind up killing a lot of people. More than your 11,000 people, I might add. I don't hear you rallying the social justice warriors to ban hospitals, because they are high priority in your mind, right? (mine too, but so are guns)
So yeah, thanks for the dance. 
There's a big difference between hospitals and guns. Can you tell the class what that difference is?
Your dancing skills leave a lot to be desired.