Author Topic: EDC/Pocket Dump What's Yours?  (Read 1642 times)

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Offline Lestat

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Re: EDC/Pocket Dump What's Yours?
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2017, 12:49:18 PM »
An e-cig, a bottle of home-made e-liquid, cherry menthol mixed with blackcurrant menthol, something like 60-70mg/ml nicotine, I make up my own because of two reasons, the major one being that commercial ones are pretty much all made with a mixture of glycerine and propylene glycol as diluent. Glycerine is not something that IMO should be in there considering its being heated and vaporized on an electric coil. When glycerine is sufficiently heated, it forms an extremely poisonous chemical compound, prop-2-ene-al, or acrolein to give it its trivial name. This is carcinogenic as hell and certainly highly toxic. So I make my own liquid and just use propylene glycol, nicotine freebase and whatever/how much flavouring I wish in my vaping liquid. No glycerine, it makes massive difference in quality. When commercial liquids are heated too much, such as taking a full drag with almost any batteries, it overheats, likewise with variable voltage batteries, any but the lowest setting produces acrolein in sufficient quantity to ruin the entire tank of liquid and require it to be emptied down the sink, toilet, flicked into the bin etc and refilled with fresh liquid, preferably cleaned out first. The other reason is that 24mg/ml is about the strongest you can buy off the shelf. I like mine 3-4 times that.

Amber glass bottle containing chlormethiazole capsules
Xylometazoline nasal decongestant spray/dropper bottle.
Bag of dried banana chips.
Whats now emptied into a bowl of candies. Amusingly the other day it was a bowl full of fuming hydrochloric acid, now washed out for my candy bowl.

Strip of oxycodone IR capsules
'reliever' type blue inhaler, same as used by asthmatics, to assist my breathing when wearing a gas mask and after one had a failure of its one way seal and I got exposed to a tiny quantity of ICl and some Cl2. Made my chest tight for a few days, but thankfully the quantity was tiny, merely that which exuded through the plastic tubing used to direct the ICl escaping fumes through a suckback trap then into a scrubber (a  tank of saturated sodium carbonate solution) and even that from several feet away, briefly.


Cigarette lighter


Pocket change

Piece of 'roll' sulfur. Basically elemental sulfur cast into the form of cylindrical sticks, a slice about an inch thick by an inch long, or just below that either way.
Inhaler cap.
'rubicon' guava juice
Big 2l bottle of irn bru
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Re: EDC/Pocket Dump What's Yours?
« Reply #46 on: April 04, 2017, 12:16:20 PM »
An e-cig, a few drops of sweet apple flavoured liquid refill (off the shelf, ick!) as well as a bottle of home-made propylene glycol-based, glycerine-free liquid.

Pocket change.

Newly arrived graphite crucible of large size.
Package of potassium hydroxide (KOH, caustic potash, the potassium version of lye, ordered it for electrolysis because a mixture of potassium and sodium hydroxide melts at just 200 'C whilst NaOH on its own melts at 318 'C, and there is a window of maybe 15 degrees 'C between its beginning to melt, and during electrolysis, maintaining the heat between at the start of the temperature window where one can recover electrolytically, the sodium metal, and when it dissolves the moment its formed back into the melt to form a grey-blue, caustic, highly alkaline nonmetallic solid, which appears to be a solid solution of sodium metal in caustic soda with properties intermediate between the two, in that it sparks and pops if enough sodium be dissolved into it although the reaction is not extremely violent. Being able to use a mixture of caustic soda and caustic potash lowers the melt point to just 200 degrees 'C, meaning there is then a window of over 130 'C or so, or should be between getting a yield and not getting so much as a single dust grain of metal.

Although the alloy mixture between potassium and sodium, known as NaK, is more reactive than either sodium OR potassium, its liquid and extremely reactive. But this should prove ideal for electrolytic refining of both sodium and potassium metals, separating the two via distillation under first purging with inert gas, having dried the latter with great care, and then distilling the metals from each other under vacuum.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.