No, but my aunt and uncle do.
Their next door neighbour had 2 dogs, and one of them kept going into my aunts garden and growling at my aunt. My aunt kept complaining about it, and demanded he build a bigger fence. In Hungary, there is a strange law that says you're only responsible for the fence on the left hand side of your garden. His responsibility.
Rather than build a bigger fence, he tied his dog to a post in his front garden, in full view of the street, and caved it's head in with a spade
He kept hitting it, and it just wouldn't die. It took ages, and it kept howling and crying.
An interesting introduction to a strange country.
Did they come and take him away or is that normal there?
Nobody reported it, as far as I know. I doubt if the police would have done anything though. I doubt if it's really normal here, but certainly not the big deal it would be in Britain or America.
A lot of people here keep dogs as pets ,and treat them the way we would in the West, but a lot of folk just keep dogs as guard dogs, and treat them like shit. Cruelty to dogs is everywhere here. They're just abandoned in the owners gardens,never petted, walked, or let into the house. They're completely ferrell and untrained.
Hungary is awesome, but so old-fashioned and backwards. Dogs are seen by many as beasts of burden, whos only role is to defend the house.
On an earlier occasion, the dog was caught in my aunts garden, so the owner flung his spade at its head. It caught the dog straight on the face.
He should not be allowed to keep dogs.
He still has the other dog, and when he goes out, he chains it to a drain. The dog is clearly traumatized, and spends the whole time whimpering and trembling.