I do. one guy, I don't know what his problem is but acts like a hard ass standing outside his house with no T-shirt on clapping his hands. people avoid walking by him. I know I do, and I think the entire neighbourhood thinks hes genuinely crazy. between him watching his TV way to Loudly and acting like he's in some rap video I'd say there is something wrong with him
Then, the people next to us look like there about to die and have staff come over and buy them groceries. and take care of the yard. The guy that lives there is green. a soft pea green color and my mother thinks his liver or kidneys are failing. possibly, chemotherapy aswell.
The woman is super skinny and I don't know what her problem is, but she is defintly dying. but the house they live in is nice, and neither of understand it at all. I hope they are ok, however and my perceptions are wrong
What are your neighbours like?