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--- Quote from: BlueGriffyn on August 21, 2013, 05:03:42 PM ---There are two things I'd like you to re-read:

1) The definition of "cowardly"

2) The second post made in this thread.

If you happen to have an epiphany after following these steps, please do come back and tell me about it. Otherwise, STFU.

--- End quote ---
the little boy pulled up a chair at the big boy table. How cute.



--- Quote from: BlueGriffyn on August 21, 2013, 05:03:42 PM ---There are two things I'd like you to re-read:

1) The definition of "cowardly"

2) The second post made in this thread.

If you happen to have an epiphany after following these steps, please do come back and tell me about it. Otherwise, STFU.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---cow·ard·ly  (kourd-l)
Exhibiting the characteristics of a coward, particularly ignoble fear: a cowardly surrender.
--- End quote ---

2. That you want to forget about this thread.

Here's the thing, though: what if other people want to comment? At I2, locking threads is considered to be cowardly. If you had bothered to read some of the past posts here, or maybe the welcoming message, you might have made the connection.

This is not Kansas anymore, buttercups.

So, some people on the Internet consider something that doesn't fit the definition of "cowardly" in any way, to be cowardly. Right. And why should I care, exactly???

Maybe because you post here? When in Rome...



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