Not joking. Look at historical examples. Mussolinis fascism - it was manly by default. It was government policy to be manly, go to war, kill a lot, and fold your arms.
Look at german nazism. Women were reduced to breeders.
Look at modern far right-wing mentalities. Anti-abortion, anti-gays, and classical mysogynistic ideals (women stay in the kitchen, bring up babies) I mean... the male domination of the far-right mentality has never been a huge surprise. War is male, and hate-groups advocate war more than anybody as well.
I'm not counting "theoretical ideologies", like, if a nazi tells me "nono, we are very inclusive to women!" that means nothing to me, because thats not what his core ideology agrees with, but simply something he says in order to gain sympathy (and possibly votes)
Again, I'm talking about political and ideological hate, and I'm saying male dominated not exclusively male.