
Author Topic: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!  (Read 17790 times)

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #480 on: August 19, 2013, 12:53:25 PM »
Odeon, I suggest you get your facts straight before you post. You make it sound as though people who knew they were stalked were attempting to make the stalker start following them again, which is not the case.

El-Presidente and I suggested that a blog called Spectrum Fairness be contacted about the situation long after the site's closure. Spectrum Fairness is a blog which exposes online injustices suffered by Autistic people. It was only once Gareth said something about stalking that I caught on.

I have nothing personal against you, I just want you to make sure what you post is correct before posting. That's all.

This is true, for the record BlueGriffyn mentioned a blog that does write ups on people who take advantage of the spectrum community. In response I did some google work, found the blog and posted a link which I suggested people follow so the resent fucking over of the more vulnerable members of AFF could be made public, that is all. I am certainly not evil enough nor knowledgeable enough about the Nelson's personal history to 'suggest contacting a stalker' so please get that out of your head right now. I just responded to a suggestion by another user

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #481 on: August 19, 2013, 12:57:45 PM »
I don't know if what he says is true or not. I wouldn't be surprised, though. People sometimes do crazy things.

Have you had a stalker, SG? Do you know what it is like?

If there is any truth to what he says it has nothing to do with me or SG1008. I wrote a reasonable request for a banned member to be unbanned, that is all. I like you Odeon and I don't want you thinking I'm the kind of shitbag who makes death threats and bullshit like that.  I am a shit stirrer but I certainly don't engage in crude criminality.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #482 on: August 19, 2013, 01:03:48 PM »
Just in case he decides to change it to something a little less stupid, here is the statement as it was when I read it. 

Well it was nice while it lasted, for the most part. This statement of mine isn't going to be particularly long, i'll just get to the point:
I would LOVE to bring the forum back up and to somehow have things back the way they were. That was my original intent in bringing it down only temporarily for 24 hours. As things are however, with every single thing I do or say being interpreted in the most negative way possible (i'd give examples but then people reading this will dwell on specifics instead of getting the general point) I don't think that's possible, and that absolutely kills me.
It would take about 2 minutes to switch the forum software back on, it's still there - all that's changed is the database config has been altered so that it's spouting error messages instead of anything else. But imagine what would happen if I did. First of all, the same old protests about banning "you know who" would return (despite the repeated warnings about personal attacks he was given - and his ignoring of those warnings), and secondly a lot of the lies being spread around would remain. People who were previously nice and friendly would just use the place as a platform for flaming, or would only use the place to gather old PMs before leaving. The former is of course a big problem, and the latter means that the community is going to be permanently fragmented either way.
So in summary: i'd love for things to go back to how they were, that's what I originally intended but it's not going to happen and it seems a lot of regulars don't want it to happen anyway. One thing I will ask though, for those with some decency: lay off the attacks against me and Amy and go and do your own thing. Stop all the talk about "justice" and let us both live our lives in peace. Attacking fellow autistics who have only tried to help for the better part of a decade is not going to help anyone. Please just have some decency and go and build your own thing. After all that's how AFF started - we built our own thing when aspergia went down all those years ago.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #483 on: August 19, 2013, 01:04:40 PM »
Lest he accuse me of lying, can anyone else certify that what I've quoted is true and correct?

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #484 on: August 19, 2013, 01:07:20 PM »
Lest he accuse me of lying, can anyone else certify that what I've quoted is true and correct?

I don't think you're lying. Not that my opinion matters much.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #485 on: August 19, 2013, 01:12:08 PM »
Lest he accuse me of lying, can anyone else certify that what I've quoted is true and correct?

I took a screen shot. of his statement
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #486 on: August 19, 2013, 01:26:02 PM »
Odeon, I suggest you get your facts straight before you post. You make it sound as though people who knew they were stalked were attempting to make the stalker start following them again, which is not the case.

Before you have a hissy fit, read what Sir Les quoted:

A new forum has been setup by a bunch of regulars, which in itself is fine - except for the horrendous amount of posts there calling for "justice" against me and Amy and the convincing of people who were previously behaving decently that we're both abusive and evil. One such post even talks about contacting the same person who stalked us both for years and caused absolute hell.

I'd say that's pretty conclusive. I don't know if it's true but if it is, it's fucked up and no site is worth it.

But perhaps you know better. Perhaps you know for a fact that they are making this up. Perhaps you have access to their mail.

Or maybe it is just that you are hurt and lash out, and everybody who dares to take an even slightly opposing view is the enemy and in liaison with Amy and Gareth. Like yours truly, wandering by without an axe to grind or an emotional investment in the matter at hand, pointing out that stalking is a fucked up thing to do, that it's not right, and that your precious now-closed board can't possibly be less important than Real Life (TM).

That what you are saying?

In that case, get off the fucking internet and discover life.

El-Presidente and I suggested that a blog called Spectrum Fairness be contacted about the situation long after the site's closure. Spectrum Fairness is a blog which exposes online injustices suffered by Autistic people. It was only once Gareth said something about stalking that I caught on.

I have nothing personal against you, I just want you to make sure what you post is correct before posting. That's all.

I don't have anything personal against you either, but being a delicate, easily butthurt little flower won't help your case. What makes you think that you'd be the one they told about a stalker? Are you that special?

What "Spectrum Fairness" has to do with any of this I honestly don't understand. Perhaps you'd care to explain your reasoning.
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #487 on: August 19, 2013, 01:27:18 PM »
I don't know if what he says is true or not. I wouldn't be surprised, though. People sometimes do crazy things.

Have you had a stalker, SG? Do you know what it is like?

I don't know about what he says. I am just telling you the reasons I was given when I asked initially why it went down. All this death threat stalking nonsense came days later (after it was already made clear AFF was down permanently). We actually cared about Gareth, but he showed he didn't care about us, that's what got people hurt and pissed (not to mentions all the accusations Amy and her croonies were throwing around).

So does he have a stalker? Is he getting death threats? I don't know, and I don't have a mind to trust a thing he says.

Those were not his reasons for closing btw. If they were, it would make sense for them to tell us rather than make up a story about we are all trolls working for Bloke. Perhaps that was a lie- but why attack us? I don't know. I don't know either of them, and they are not people I would like to associate with.

That's a no, then? You don't know what it's like to have a stalker?
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #488 on: August 19, 2013, 01:27:52 PM »
Do I have a stalker? My ex-gf... Yeah I know what it's like to be paranoid as fuck, lock your doors, be careful about what you say, change your passwords, clear your history, make things hidden to public, etc.

I think I finally got her out of my life, but she did mention something about moving 'down the street' so fuck she could be around the corner.

Not the same thing.
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #489 on: August 19, 2013, 01:35:34 PM »
I don't know if what he says is true or not. I wouldn't be surprised, though. People sometimes do crazy things.

Have you had a stalker, SG? Do you know what it is like?

If there is any truth to what he says it has nothing to do with me or SG1008. I wrote a reasonable request for a banned member to be unbanned, that is all. I like you Odeon and I don't want you thinking I'm the kind of shitbag who makes death threats and bullshit like that.  I am a shit stirrer but I certainly don't engage in crude criminality.

Didn't think you would, mate. Never for one second. Not you and not SG. I've known both of you here for long enough.

Unfortunately there are people who would. I've had first-hand experience with a few of them and if that's what happened to Gareth and Amy, I am truly sorry for them because a message board should NEVER be allowed to take precedence.

And before the n00b gets another hissy fit, I have not said it's true. I don't know if it is. I don't have an emotional investment in any of this, I simply observe and comment.
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #490 on: August 19, 2013, 01:39:40 PM »
I don't know if what he says is true or not. I wouldn't be surprised, though. People sometimes do crazy things.

Have you had a stalker, SG? Do you know what it is like?

If there is any truth to what he says it has nothing to do with me or SG1008. I wrote a reasonable request for a banned member to be unbanned, that is all. I like you Odeon and I don't want you thinking I'm the kind of shitbag who makes death threats and bullshit like that.  I am a shit stirrer but I certainly don't engage in crude criminality.

Didn't think you would, mate. Never for one second. Not you and not SG. I've known both of you here for long enough.

Unfortunately there are people who would. I've had first-hand experience with a few of them and if that's what happened to Gareth and Amy, I am truly sorry for them because a message board should NEVER be allowed to take precedence.

And before the n00b gets another hissy fit, I have not said it's true. I don't know if it is. I don't have an emotional investment in any of this, I simply observe and comment.

Fair comment. There has been far too much drama and butthurt about this, on that point we are in complete agreement. As far as I know someone may indeed have taken things too far. Judging by the depth of resentment I've seen it is a sad possibility.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #491 on: August 19, 2013, 01:53:07 PM »

Or maybe it is just that you are hurt and lash out, and everybody who dares to take an even slightly opposing view is the enemy and in liaison with Amy and Gareth.

A groundless accusation. Thus far, I have been the only person to post a thread inviting Gareth to have a civil conversation about what went on. It can clearly be seen that I have allowed Gareth to express his views more than anyone else from AFF. I also apologised to him over the stalker/Spectrum Fairness issue, which brings me to my next point...

What "Spectrum Fairness" has to do with any of this I honestly don't understand. Perhaps you'd care to explain your reasoning.

Only response i'm making:
The reason i'm not going to be selling it is quite simple - if I wanted someone else to take over the place it wouldn't be for money.

Who was the malicious member? Bloke, who else?

Yes, the stalker was the guy on spectrum fairness - he is a complete and utter psycho, but i'm aware that my words don't really matter much and won't be believed by people anymore - you'll find out soon enough how bad the guy is if you make the mistake of contacting him.

In general I just want to be left alone now, go and look at the AFF site now and click to read the statement I made there.

No more comments from me on this site.


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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #492 on: August 19, 2013, 02:02:25 PM »
Quote from: BlueGriffyn link=topic=21384.msg987960#msg987960 date=1376941987

What "Spectrum Fairness" has to do with any of this I honestly don't understand. Perhaps you'd care to explain your reasoning.

Only response i'm making:
The reason i'm not going to be selling it is quite simple - if I wanted someone else to take over the place it wouldn't be for money.

Who was the malicious member? Bloke, who else?

Yes, the stalker was the guy on spectrum fairness - he is a complete and utter psycho, but i'm aware that my words don't really matter much and won't be believed by people anymore - you'll find out soon enough how bad the guy is if you make the mistake of contacting him.

In general I just want to be left alone now, go and look at the AFF site now and click to read the statement I made there.

No more comments from me on this site.


Better let them know on the temp forum about this so no one thinks of contacting him, whoever he is. [suspicious]I think Ana was talking about getting more information from people on there.[/suspicious]

Btw, I went on that chat awhile back to find out from Gareth what was going on, but I got attacked by James, and Gareth banned me before I had the chance. So you're not the only one.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 02:05:51 PM by sg1008 »
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #493 on: August 19, 2013, 02:04:33 PM »
I don't know if what he says is true or not. I wouldn't be surprised, though. People sometimes do crazy things.

Have you had a stalker, SG? Do you know what it is like?

If there is any truth to what he says it has nothing to do with me or SG1008. I wrote a reasonable request for a banned member to be unbanned, that is all. I like you Odeon and I don't want you thinking I'm the kind of shitbag who makes death threats and bullshit like that.  I am a shit stirrer but I certainly don't engage in crude criminality.

Didn't think you would, mate. Never for one second. Not you and not SG. I've known both of you here for long enough.

Unfortunately there are people who would. I've had first-hand experience with a few of them and if that's what happened to Gareth and Amy, I am truly sorry for them because a message board should NEVER be allowed to take precedence.

And before the n00b gets another hissy fit, I have not said it's true. I don't know if it is. I don't have an emotional investment in any of this, I simply observe and comment.

Fair comment. There has been far too much drama and butthurt about this, on that point we are in complete agreement. As far as I know someone may indeed have taken things too far. Judging by the depth of resentment I've seen it is a sad possibility.

I somewhat agree, EXCEPT, I do not think anyone we know would be resentful enough to take/threaten his life. But you never know with people on the internet...could be a psycho nearby.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #494 on: August 19, 2013, 02:16:21 PM »
Rant of the day:
So AFF is gone thanks to an asshole misleading everyone and causing them to attack me and Amy as if we're the scum of the earth.
Apparently i'm a "sadistic little twerp" according to one old regular - why did they say this? Because I closed a forum, offered to forward email addresses legally (i.e without breaking the data protection act) and generally was too nice.
Someone stated that the current message on the site ("Please note - the forum is closed and will NOT going back up, it is not for sale to anyone and nobody is taking over") means that I hold the old userbase in contempt.
A new forum has been setup by a bunch of regulars, which in itself is fine - except for the horrendous amount of posts there calling for "justice" against me and Amy and the convincing of people who were previously behaving decently that we're both abusive and evil. One such post even talks about contacting the same person who stalked us both for years and caused absolute hell.
If I had even considered bringing AFF back up again, the backstabbing has guaranteed I won't. The sad thing is, it originally was only going to be down temporarily and the backstabbers have ruined that.
I honestly feel sick at having lost something i've spent just under a decade building.

FYI his continued rant:

For anyone involved (you know who you are) reading:
Yes, it really was only going to be temporary, i'd love for things to go back to how they were - thanks for destroying that you fucking backstabbing assholes.

Please do continue to attack the people who have tried to help you for just under a decade rather than those who want to ensure nobody like us is ever born again.
12 hours ago · Like


And for the few decent people who might be reading this and know only half of what's happening:

Bloke aka rossco aka al swearengen (what kind of name is that anyway?) is the most at fault here - after banning him for refusing to accept warnings for personal attacks he started manipulating everyone else and winding them up. His response to the warnings was that he didn't accept them (in a weird kind of "I don't recognize your authority" type way - not the best response).

He's also utterly paranoid and said the site was down so we could edit all his posts to make him look bad, and lots of people just blindly believed this despite the utter insanity and paranoia.

There you have it. It was about Bloke, that's why it was closed.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.